PubG Grenades vs. Guns: Which Ones Are More Effective in Different Situations

By | May 6, 2023


The aftermath of a grenade explosion in a PubG game

The aftermath of a grenade explosion in a PubG game

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, commonly known as PubG, is an online multiplayer battle royale game that has taken the gaming world by storm. The game’s objective is simple – players are dropped onto an island and must survive against other players by collecting weapons, equipment, and resources while staying within the safe zone.

One of the most critical aspects of the game is choosing the right weapon. Deciding between grenades and guns can be a challenging decision for players to make. In this article, we will explore the effectiveness of grenades and guns in different situations and provide strategies for maximising their potential.

Understanding the Types of Grenades in PubG

A player taking a long-range shot with a gun in PubG

A player taking a long-range shot with a gun in PubG

Grenades are a valuable tool in the game, and knowing how to use them effectively can give players a significant advantage. There are four types of grenades in PubG:

Frag Grenade

The most common type of grenade in the game, the Frag Grenade, is a powerful explosive that can inflict massive damage to players and structures. They are best used in situations where players are in close proximity to each other, such as inside buildings or in tight spaces.

Smoke Grenade

Smoke Grenades are used for tactical purposes, such as providing cover or obscuring vision. They are useful for players who want to move across open spaces without being detected by their opponents.

Stun Grenade

Stun Grenades are non-lethal grenades that can temporarily blind and deafen players. They are useful for disorienting opponents and creating opportunities for players to attack.

Molotov Cocktail

Molotov Cocktails are incendiary grenades that can create a fire that spreads over a large area. They are best used for area denial or setting traps for opponents.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of grenade can help players determine when to use them effectively.


Understanding the Types of Guns in PubG

A player using a grenade to attack from a safe distance in PubG

A player using a grenade to attack from a safe distance in PubG

Guns are the primary weapons in PubG, and they come in various types, each with its unique advantages and disadvantages. Here are the types of guns in PubG:

Assault Rifles

Assault Rifles are the most versatile guns in the game, capable of firing rapidly and accurately at short to medium ranges. They are the most popular guns among players and come in various types such as AKM, M416, and Scar-L.

Sniper Rifles

Sniper Rifles are long-range guns that can deal massive damage to players from a distance. They require a high level of skill to use effectively and are best used by players who prefer a stealthy playstyle.


Shotguns are close-range weapons capable of dealing massive damage to players at close range. They are the most powerful guns in the game but are slow to reload and have a limited range.

Submachine Guns

Submachine Guns are rapid-fire guns that are effective at close to medium ranges. They are best used for close-quarters combat and are ideal for players who prefer an aggressive playstyle.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of gun can help players make an informed decision when choosing their weapons.

Comparing Effectiveness of Grenades and Guns in Different Situations

The effectiveness of grenades and guns varies depending on the gameplay situation. For example, grenades are useful for clearing out enemies hiding behind cover or inside buildings. On the other hand, guns are more effective in open areas or when engaging enemies at longer ranges.

Situational awareness is critical when deciding between grenades and guns. Knowing the terrain and the location of enemies can help players determine which weapon to use effectively. For example, if players are inside a building, they should use grenades to clear out enemies hiding behind cover. In contrast, if players are in an open area, they should use guns to engage enemies at longer ranges.

In conclusion, both grenades and guns have their advantages and disadvantages and are effective in different situations. Players should choose their weapons based on their playstyle and the gameplay situation. Situational awareness is essential when deciding between grenades and guns and can give players a significant advantage over their opponents.


Strategies for Maximizing the Effectiveness of Grenades and Guns

In PubG, using the right weapon at the right time can be the difference between winning or losing a game. Here are some strategies that players can use to maximise the effectiveness of grenades and guns:

Understand the situation

Before using grenades or guns, it’s crucial to assess the situation. Players should consider their location, their opponents’ location, and the terrain. For example, using a grenade in an open field may not be effective, while using a gun in a confined space may not provide enough accuracy.

Choose the right weapon

Knowing when to use grenades and guns can make all the difference in PubG. For example, players should use grenades in situations where they need to flush out opponents from cover or create a diversion. Guns are better used for long-range engagements or when players need to take down an opponent quickly.

Practice and experience

Practice makes perfect, and the same is true for PubG. Players should take the time to experiment with different weapons and tactics to find what works best for them. As players gain more experience, they will become more adept at using grenades and guns effectively.


Choosing between grenades and guns in PubG can be a challenging decision for players to make. In this article, we’ve explored the different types of grenades and guns, their advantages and disadvantages, and the situations where they are most effective. We’ve also provided strategies for maximising the potential of grenades and guns, such as understanding the situation, choosing the right weapon, and gaining experience through practice.

In conclusion, while both grenades and guns have their strengths and weaknesses, the key to success in PubG is knowing when to use them effectively. By using the strategies outlined in this article, players can gain an advantage over their opponents and increase their chances of winning. For more tips and information about PubG, visit