Mastering PubG Armor: Tips and Strategies for Effective Use

By | May 6, 2023


Maintaining and repairing armor is crucial in PubG to ensure maximum protection in combat.

Maintaining and repairing armor is crucial in PubG to ensure maximum protection in combat.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PubG) is an online multiplayer battle royale game that requires players to fight for survival in a shrinking arena. The game is known for its intense combat mechanics, where every move counts. In such a game, armor plays a crucial role in providing protection to the player and increasing their chances of survival. Therefore, mastering armor is one of the essential skills in PubG.

In this article, we will provide you with tips and strategies to help you effectively use armor in PubG. We will discuss the different types of armor, how to find and equip them, maintaining and repairing armor, and effective use of armor in combat. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to master armor to increase your chances of survival.

Types of Armor in PubG

While level 1 armor provides the least protection, it's better than having no armor at all.

While level 1 armor provides the least protection, it’s better than having no armor at all.

There are three types of armor in PubG: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Each type has its unique strengths and weaknesses.

Level 1 Armor: Level 1 armor is the weakest type of armor in PubG. It provides basic protection against bullets and melee attacks, but it is easily penetrated. It can only absorb limited damage, so it is not recommended to rely on it for too long.

Level 2 Armor: Level 2 armor provides better protection than Level 1 armor. It can absorb more damage and is more durable. It is also less likely to degrade quickly, which means that it can last longer during combat.

Level 3 Armor: Level 3 armor is the most robust and durable armor in PubG. It provides the best protection against bullets and melee attacks. It can absorb significant damage and last longer during combat. However, it is also the heaviest armor, making the player more vulnerable to attacks due to reduced mobility.

Understanding the different types of armor is essential to determine which armor to use in different combat situations. It is also important to note that armor can degrade over time, reducing its effectiveness. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain and repair armor regularly to ensure maximum protection.

Now that we have discussed the types of armor let’s move on to the next section, which is how to find and equip armor in PubG.

How to Find and Equip Armor

Knowing how to use your armor effectively in combat can mean the difference between life and death in PubG.

Knowing how to use your armor effectively in combat can mean the difference between life and death in PubG.

In PubG, armor can be found in various places, such as buildings, loot crates, and dead enemies. Here are some tips for finding armor in the game:

  • Look for buildings that are less likely to have been looted, such as those on the outskirts of the map.
  • Keep an eye out for loot crates that drop from the sky. They usually contain high-level armor.
  • Check dead enemies for armor. If they have armor, it will be displayed as an icon on their death box.

Once you have found armor, you need to equip it to ensure maximum protection. Here are the instructions for equipping armor in PubG:

  1. Open your inventory by pressing the tab key.
  2. Locate the armor in your inventory and drag it to the appropriate slot.
  3. The armor will now be equipped, and you will see its icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Maintaining and Repairing Armor

Armor degradation can occur due to damage taken during combat. As armor degrades, its effectiveness decreases, making the player more vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, it is essential to maintain and repair armor regularly.

Here are some strategies for maintaining and repairing armor in PubG:

  • Avoid taking unnecessary damage to prolong the lifespan of your armor.
  • Use repair kits or spare armor to repair damaged armor quickly.
  • Always keep spare armor in your inventory to replace damaged armor quickly.
  • Prioritize repairing Level 3 armor as it provides the best protection.

By maintaining and repairing armor regularly, you can ensure maximum protection during combat, increasing your chances of survival.

Effective Use of Armor in Combat

Knowing how to use armor effectively in combat can make the difference between life and death in PubG. Here are some tips and strategies for maximizing armor effectiveness:

1. Use your armor as a shield: When engaging in combat, use your armor as a shield to absorb most of the damage from your opponent’s attacks. This will give you time to retaliate and take down your opponent.

2. Avoid exposing yourself: Try to avoid exposing your armor to your opponent, as it will degrade more quickly. When taking cover, use your surroundings to protect your armor, such as rocks, trees, or buildings.

3. Use your mobility to your advantage: Heavy armor can reduce your mobility, making you an easy target for snipers. Therefore, use your mobility to your advantage and keep moving to avoid getting hit by snipers.

4. Know when to retreat: When your armor is significantly damaged, it is essential to know when to retreat and find a safe place to repair or replace it. Do not engage in combat when your armor is weak, as it will make you an easy target.

By following these tips and strategies, you can use your armor effectively in combat and increase your chances of survival.


In conclusion, mastering armor in PubG is crucial for survival in the game. In this article, we discussed the different types of armor, how to find and equip them, maintaining and repairing armor, and effective use of armor in combat. By understanding these tips and strategies, players can increase their chances of survival in the game.

In a game where every move counts, having the right armor and using it effectively can make all the difference. hopes that this article provides its readers with valuable insights that will help them master armor in PubG.