Why is PUBG Not Working?

By | May 6, 2023

PUBG is a popular online battle royale game that has gained a massive following since its launch in 2017. However, many players often face issues with the game not working correctly, which can be frustrating and discouraging. In this article, we will explore the reasons why PUBG may not be working and provide possible solutions to help players overcome these issues.

Server Issues

PUBG server issues causing gameplay problems

PUBG server issues causing gameplay problems

One of the most common reasons why PUBG may not be working is due to server issues. Server issues can occur due to various reasons, such as high traffic, maintenance, or updates. When the server is down, players may experience difficulties logging in or may not be able to connect to the game at all.

Server issues can significantly affect PUBG gameplay, making it impossible for players to join matches or causing lags and delays during gameplay. To overcome server issues, players can check the official PUBG Twitter account or website for any server-related updates or maintenance schedules. If the issue persists, players can try switching to a different server or waiting for the server to come back online.

Another possible solution is to check if there are any issues with the player’s internet connection. Poor internet connection can also cause server-related issues, leading to a subpar gaming experience. By troubleshooting the internet connection, players can rule out any issues related to their network and focus on resolving server-related problems.

System Requirements

System requirements affecting PUBG gameplay

System requirements affecting PUBG gameplay

Another reason why PUBG may not be working correctly is due to not meeting the game’s system requirements. PUBG is a graphics-intensive game that requires a powerful system to run smoothly. If the player’s computer does not meet the minimum system requirements, the game may not work correctly or may not run at all.

Players can check if their system meets the minimum requirements by visiting the official PUBG website. If the system does not meet the requirements, players may need to upgrade their hardware or consider playing the game on a different device. By ensuring that the system meets the minimum requirements, players can enjoy a smooth and seamless gaming experience without any issues.

System Requirements

Poor internet connection causing lag in PUBG gameplay

Poor internet connection causing lag in PUBG gameplay

PUBG is a high-performance game that requires a powerful system to function optimally. The game’s minimum system requirements include a 64-bit processor, Windows 7/8/10 operating system, 8GB of RAM, and a graphics card with at least 2GB of VRAM. If the player’s system does not meet these requirements, the game may not work correctly or may not run at all.

Not meeting the system requirements can significantly affect PUBG gameplay, leading to slow and choppy performance, lags, and crashes. To overcome system requirements issues, players can try upgrading their hardware or playing the game on a different device that meets the minimum requirements. Upgrading the system’s RAM or graphics card can significantly improve the game’s performance, providing players with a smooth and seamless gaming experience.

Internet Connection

PUBG is an online multiplayer game that requires a stable and reliable internet connection to function optimally. Poor internet connection can cause various issues, such as lags, delays, disconnections, and difficulty connecting to the game server. Players must ensure that their internet connection is stable and fast enough to handle the game’s data transfer requirements.

To improve internet connection issues, players can try troubleshooting their network, upgrading their internet plan, or connecting to a different network. Troubleshooting the network can involve resetting the router, checking for any software updates, or changing the network settings. Upgrading the internet plan can provide players with faster and more reliable internet speeds, reducing the chances of experiencing connectivity issues while playing PUBG. Finally, connecting to a different network, such as a public Wi-Fi or a mobile hotspot, can provide players with a more stable and reliable connection if their home network is not up to the task.

Game Updates

Game updates are an essential aspect of PUBG that can affect gameplay significantly. Game updates are released periodically to fix bugs, improve game performance, and add new features to the game. Failure to update the game can lead to outdated versions, which can cause several issues that affect the gaming experience.

Outdated game versions can significantly affect PUBG gameplay, leading to lags, crashes, and other performance-related issues. To avoid these problems, players should ensure that they have the latest version of the game installed. Updates can be downloaded from the official PUBG website or through the game client. By keeping the game up-to-date, players can enjoy a seamless gaming experience without any issues.

Hardware Issues

Hardware is another crucial factor that can affect PUBG gameplay. Hardware problems can occur due to various reasons, such as outdated drivers, overheating, or insufficient memory. When hardware issues occur, players may experience issues such as game crashes, freezes, or lags.

To resolve hardware issues, players must diagnose the problem and take appropriate action. One possible solution is to update the drivers, which can improve the system’s performance and prevent crashes. Another solution is to check the system’s temperature, ensuring that it does not overheat during gameplay.

Insufficient memory can also cause hardware-related issues, leading to slow game performance and crashes. Players can upgrade their memory or clear out unnecessary files to free up space and improve game performance. By resolving hardware issues, players can enjoy PUBG without any interruptions and have a smooth gaming experience.


In conclusion, PUBG not working can be caused by various factors such as server issues, system requirements, internet connection, game updates, and hardware issues. It is essential to diagnose the problem and take appropriate action to ensure a smooth and seamless gaming experience.

Players can check the official PUBG website or Twitter account for any updates or maintenance schedules related to the game. Ensuring that the system meets the minimum requirements and updating the game regularly can also improve the gaming experience.

Finally, resolving hardware issues such as updating drivers, checking the system’s temperature, and upgrading memory can prevent crashes and improve game performance. By following these steps, players can overcome any issues related to PUBG not working and enjoy the game without any interruptions.