When does Deston Come Out PUBG?

By | May 6, 2023

Are you a fan of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG)? If so, you’re probably eagerly anticipating the release of Deston, the latest addition to the game. But when exactly is it coming out? In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about the release date of Deston in PUBG.

What is Deston in PUBG?

PUBG players speculating on the expected release date of Deston

PUBG players speculating on the expected release date of Deston

Deston is a new map that will be added to PUBG. It promises to be different from the existing maps and bring a unique gaming experience to players. The map is set in a medieval European town and features narrow streets, alleys, and buildings with intricate architecture. The developers have not released many details about the map, but it’s expected to be smaller than the other maps in the game.

Deston is also expected to have a different gameplay style from the existing maps. Players will have to adapt to the new map and develop new strategies to survive. The map will have its own set of challenges and obstacles, making it an exciting addition to the game.

As a PUBG player, you’re probably wondering when you can get your hands on Deston. Let’s explore the release date.

When was Deston announced for PUBG?

The gaming community anticipating the arrival of Deston in PUBG

The gaming community anticipating the arrival of Deston in PUBG

The developers at PUBG Corporation announced Deston in May 2021. They released a teaser trailer that showcased the map’s medieval setting and its gameplay style. The announcement generated a lot of excitement among the PUBG community, and players have been eagerly waiting for the release date ever since.

At the time of the announcement, the developers did not reveal the release date for Deston. Instead, they said that it was still in development and that they would release more details later. This left players guessing when they could expect to play the new map. In the next section, we’ll explore the expected release date for Deston in PUBG.


When can we expect the release of Deston in PUBG?

The making of Deston: Insights from PUBG game developers

The making of Deston: Insights from PUBG game developers

While the developers have not yet announced an official release date for Deston, there are speculations and rumors floating around the gaming community. Some players believe that Deston might be released in the third quarter of 2021, while others think it might not be available until early 2022. It’s important to note that these are just speculations and not confirmed by the developers.

Several factors could affect the release date of Deston. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the development cycle of many games, and PUBG is no exception. The developers have faced several challenges, including remote working and supply chain issues. These challenges could cause delays in the release of Deston.

Another factor that could affect the release date is the feedback from beta testing. Before releasing Deston, the developers might conduct beta testing to gather feedback from players. Based on the feedback, they might make changes to the map, which could delay the release.

In a recent interview, the developers hinted that they are working hard on Deston and that it’s in the final stages of development. They also mentioned that they want to release the new map as soon as possible, but they won’t compromise on the quality of the game. This suggests that the developers are committed to releasing a polished and bug-free version of Deston.

In conclusion, while we don’t have an official release date for Deston in PUBG yet, it’s expected to be released soon. The developers are working hard to ensure that it’s a high-quality addition to the game that will provide players with a unique gaming experience.

Insights from Game Developers on Deston’s release

In a recent interview with the PUBG development team, they hinted at what players can expect from Deston. The developers described it as a small map that will offer a unique gaming experience. They also revealed that they’re working hard to ensure that it’s a polished and bug-free addition to the game.

The developers also discussed the challenges they faced during the development of Deston. They mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in their development cycle, and they’ve had to adapt to remote working. Despite these challenges, they’re committed to delivering a high-quality gaming experience to players.

The developers also hinted that they might conduct beta testing before the release of Deston. This will allow them to gather feedback from players and make any necessary changes to the map. They’re also committed to listening to player feedback and making changes to the game based on it.

In conclusion, the PUBG development team is committed to delivering a high-quality gaming experience with the release of Deston. While challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted their development cycle, they’re working hard to ensure that the new map is a polished addition to the game. They’re also committed to listening to player feedback and making changes to the game based on it.

How will Deston affect the gameplay of PUBG?

Deston promises to bring significant changes to the gameplay of PUBG. Since the map is set in a medieval European town, players will have to adjust their playstyle accordingly. The map’s narrow streets and alleys will make it difficult to maneuver, and players will have to rely on stealth and strategy to survive. The map’s unique gameplay style is expected to attract a new set of players to the game, making it even more popular.

In addition to the changes in gameplay mechanics, Deston will also introduce new features to the game. The map’s medieval setting will bring new weapons, costumes, and vehicles to the game. Players will have to adapt to these new features and use them to their advantage. The addition of new features will make the game more exciting and keep players engaged.


In conclusion, Deston is one of the most anticipated additions to PUBG. While the developers have not announced the release date yet, players are eagerly waiting for it. The new map promises to bring significant changes to the game’s gameplay style and introduce new features that will keep players engaged. As a PUBG player, you should keep an eye out for the release date and start preparing for the new challenges that Deston will bring.

If you’re looking for more information about PUBG and its latest updates, be sure to check out Pubgfact.com. Our website provides the latest news, tips, and strategies for PUBG players. We hope this article has been informative and helpful for you. Happy gaming!