What is Casual Mode in PubG?

By | May 6, 2023

As one of the most popular battle royale games worldwide, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) offers players two main modes of play: casual and ranked. While ranked mode is more competitive and rewards players for their performance, casual mode is designed for more relaxed gameplay. In this article, we will delve deeper into what casual mode is, how it differs from ranked mode, and the advantages of playing in casual mode.

Understanding Casual Mode

Communication and teamwork are key in winning in casual mode

Communication and teamwork are key in winning in casual mode

Casual mode is a game mode in PUBG that offers a more laid-back experience for players who want to enjoy the game without the pressure of a competitive environment. In casual mode, players can play with friends or solo without worrying about their performance affecting their ranking. Unlike ranked mode, casual mode is not designed to be a measure of a player’s skill level, so there is no ranking system or penalty for losing.

Despite being a more relaxed mode, casual mode still offers the same gameplay mechanics as ranked mode, such as the same maps, weapons, and game settings. However, there are some differences between the two modes that make casual mode more accessible for players who want to enjoy PUBG without the added pressure.

One of the main differences between casual and ranked mode is the matchmaking process. In ranked mode, players are matched with other players of similar skill levels, while in casual mode, matchmaking is more random, and players can be matched with anyone of any skill level. This means that players can encounter a wide range of opponents, from complete beginners to seasoned veterans.

Another significant difference between the two modes is the pace of the game. Casual mode games tend to be more relaxed, with fewer players and longer game times, giving players more time to explore the map and gather loot. In contrast, ranked mode games are faster-paced, with a higher number of players and shorter game times, making it more challenging to survive and win.

In the next section, we will explore the gameplay mechanics of casual mode in more detail.

Casual Mode Gameplay

Casual mode in PUBG allows players to switch between different maps and game settings

Casual mode in PUBG allows players to switch between different maps and game settings

In casual mode, players can choose from the same maps as ranked mode, including Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, and Vikendi. The game settings are also similar, with players dropping into the map with nothing but their fists and having to scavenge for weapons, ammunition, and other supplies to increase their chances of survival.

The matchmaking process in casual mode is more random than ranked mode, with players being matched with others of varying skill levels. This can be an advantage for players who are new to the game or want to play without the pressure of a competitive environment. The game pacing in casual mode is also slower, with fewer players and longer game times, giving players more time to explore the map and find loot.

Loot distribution in casual mode is more forgiving than in ranked mode, with more weapons and equipment scattered throughout the map. This gives players a better chance of finding the items they need to survive. However, the quality of loot can still vary, and players may need to explore multiple locations to find the best weapons and equipment.

Tips for Playing in Casual Mode

Playing in casual mode does not affect a player's ranking in PUBG

Playing in casual mode does not affect a player’s ranking in PUBG

If you want to succeed in casual mode, there are several strategies you can use to increase your chances of winning. Firstly, communication and teamwork are crucial in casual mode, just as they are in ranked mode. Playing with friends or using in-game chat to communicate with your teammates can help you coordinate your movements and increase your chances of survival.

Secondly, it’s essential to choose your battles wisely in casual mode. Unlike ranked mode, where every kill counts towards your ranking, killing other players in casual mode does not affect your performance. Therefore, it’s often better to avoid unnecessary fights and focus on surviving until the end of the game.

Lastly, avoiding common mistakes can help you increase your chances of winning in casual mode. These mistakes include looting for too long, running in the open, and making too much noise, all of which can give away your position to other players. By being aware of these mistakes and avoiding them, you can increase your chances of surviving and winning in casual mode.

In conclusion, casual mode in PUBG offers players a more relaxed and accessible gameplay experience. With its slower pace, more forgiving loot distribution, and random matchmaking, casual mode is ideal for players who want to enjoy PUBG without the added pressure of a competitive environment. By following these tips and strategies, you can increase your chances of success in casual mode and enjoy all that PUBG has to offer.

Tips for Playing in Casual Mode

Playing in casual mode is an excellent way to enjoy PUBG without the added pressure of ranked mode. However, there are still some strategies and tips that players can use to increase their chances of winning. Here are some tips for playing in casual mode:

Strategies for Winning in Casual Mode

  • Play with a squad: Playing with friends or a squad can increase your chances of winning in casual mode. You can communicate more effectively and work together to achieve your goals.
  • Choose your battles wisely: In casual mode, there is no penalty for losing, so it’s essential to choose your battles wisely. Avoid unnecessary fights and focus on surviving until the end.
  • Be aware of the blue zone: The blue zone in casual mode can be more forgiving than in ranked mode, but it can still be deadly. Always keep an eye on the map and be aware of the blue zone’s shrinking radius.

Importance of Communication and Teamwork

Communication and teamwork are essential in casual mode, just as they are in ranked mode. In casual mode, players can communicate more freely and work together to achieve their goals, whether that’s looting, surviving, or winning the game. Always communicate with your team and work together to increase your chances of success.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Common mistakes in casual mode include looting for too long, being too aggressive, and not paying attention to the blue zone. Avoiding these mistakes can increase your chances of winning in casual mode.

Frequently Asked Questions About Casual Mode

Can I Still Earn Rewards in Casual Mode?

Yes, players can still earn rewards in casual mode, such as BP and XP, which can be used to purchase cosmetics and level up their accounts. However, the rewards in casual mode are typically lower than in ranked mode.

How Does Casual Mode Affect My Ranking?

Casual mode does not affect a player’s ranking in PUBG. Casual mode is designed to offer a more relaxed gameplay experience without the added pressure of ranked mode.

Can I Switch Between Casual and Ranked Mode?

Yes, players can switch between casual and ranked mode at any time. However, keep in mind that switching to ranked mode will affect your ranking and matchmaking. Players should consider their skill level and performance before switching to ranked mode.


In conclusion, casual mode in PUBG offers players a more relaxed and accessible gameplay experience without the added pressure of ranked mode. While there are some differences between the two modes, such as matchmaking and pacing, casual mode still offers the same gameplay mechanics as ranked mode. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, players can increase their chances of winning in casual mode and enjoy PUBG to the fullest. So, if you’re looking for a more laid-back gaming experience, give casual mode a try on PubG Facts!