PUBG Classic Mode: Rules, Tips, and Strategies to Dominate

By | May 6, 2023

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, commonly known as PUBG, is a popular multiplayer battle royale game that has taken the gaming world by storm. PUBG Classic Mode is one of the most popular game modes in the game, where players can engage in a classic battle royale experience with a maximum of 100 players. In this article, we will explore the rules, tips, and strategies to dominate in PUBG Classic Mode.

PUBG Classic Mode Rules

Teamwork and communication are crucial in Classic Mode, especially when positioning behind cover

Teamwork and communication are crucial in Classic Mode, especially when positioning behind cover

PUBG Classic Mode is a game mode where players are dropped onto an island with a battle royale objective. The objective is to be the last player or team standing while surviving the game’s various challenges, such as the shrinking safe zone and hostile players.

There are different game modes in PUBG Classic Mode, including Solo, Duo, and Squad modes. In Solo mode, players fight alone, while in Duo mode, two players team up against other pairs. Squad mode consists of four players fighting against other squads.

The game rules and objectives are simple: players must loot weapons, ammunition, and equipment to survive and eliminate other players while avoiding the danger zone that will shrink over time. The last player or team standing wins the game.

As the game progresses, the safe zone will shrink, forcing players to move closer and engage with other players. Players must continually adapt to the changing environment and make strategic decisions to survive.

Tips for Classic Mode

Knowing when and where to use grenades can make or break a game in Classic Mode

Knowing when and where to use grenades can make or break a game in Classic Mode

Map awareness and positioning are crucial factors in PUBG Classic Mode. Players must be aware of their surroundings and make strategic decisions based on the location of other players and the shrinking safe zone. Choosing the right weapons and attachments is also essential, as players will encounter different situations throughout the game.

Loot management and prioritization are essential skills to survive in PUBG Classic Mode. Players must manage their inventory and prioritize essential items such as first aid kits and ammunition. Players must also be aware of the sound cues and use them to identify the location of other players.

Another important tip is to avoid unnecessary risks and engage in fights only when necessary. Players must learn to play defensively and avoid exposing themselves to other players. It is also recommended to play with a team and communicate effectively to increase the chances of survival.

Stay tuned for the next sections.

Tips for Classic Mode (continued)

Strategic use of vehicles can give your squad a major advantage in Classic Mode

Strategic use of vehicles can give your squad a major advantage in Classic Mode

Map awareness and positioning are crucial factors in PUBG Classic Mode. Players must be aware of their surroundings and make strategic decisions based on the location of other players and the shrinking safe zone. Players can use the map to identify areas where they can find better loot or avoid heavily contested areas. Players must also be aware of the terrain and use it to their advantage, such as hiding behind rocks or trees.

Choosing the right weapons and attachments is also essential in PUBG Classic Mode. Players must consider the range and accuracy of the weapons they choose, as well as the attachments that can enhance their performance. For example, a scope can help players aim from a distance, while a suppressor can help them avoid detection.

Loot management and prioritization are essential skills to survive in PUBG Classic Mode. Players must manage their inventory and prioritize essential items such as first aid kits and ammunition. Players must also be aware of the sound cues and use them to identify the location of other players. It is also important to be aware of the blue zone and make sure to have sufficient healing items to survive.

Strategies for Classic Mode

In PUBG Classic Mode, players can adopt different strategies depending on their play style and the game mode they are playing.

In Solo mode, players must be cautious and avoid unnecessary risks. It is recommended to stick to the outskirts of the map and avoid highly contested areas. Players must also be aware of their surroundings and use the terrain to their advantage. Defensive strategies, such as hiding and waiting for other players to eliminate themselves, can also be effective.

In Duo mode, players must work together and communicate effectively. Players can split up to cover more ground and loot more efficiently. Offensive strategies, such as ambushing other players, can also be effective with the help of a teammate.

In Squad mode, communication and teamwork are essential. Players must work together to cover more ground and eliminate other squads. It is also recommended to have a designated leader who can make strategic decisions and coordinate the team’s movements. Defensive and offensive strategies can also be effective, depending on the situation.

By following these tips and strategies, players can increase their chances of survival and domination in PUBG Classic Mode.

Advanced Techniques

To dominate in PUBG Classic Mode, players must master advanced movement techniques such as strafing, jumping, and crouching. These techniques can help players avoid enemy fire and gain a tactical advantage in battles.

The use of grenades and smokes is also crucial in PUBG Classic Mode. Players can use grenades to flush out enemies from cover or smoke grenades to provide cover while moving through open areas. It is essential to master the timing and placement of these items to be effective.

Vehicle usage and positioning can also be a game-changer in PUBG Classic Mode. Vehicles can help players move quickly and cover long distances, but they can also attract unwanted attention. Players must use vehicles strategically and position them to provide cover or escape routes.


In conclusion, PUBG Classic Mode is an exciting game mode that requires skill, strategy, and practice to dominate. We have discussed the rules, tips, and strategies to increase your chances of survival and be the last player or team standing.

To excel in PUBG Classic Mode, players must practice and experiment with different techniques and strategies. They must also learn to adapt to the changing environment and make strategic decisions based on the situation.

At, we recommend players to take their time to learn and master the game’s mechanics and work with a team to improve communication and teamwork. With these tips and strategies, players can dominate in PUBG Classic Mode and have a thrilling and rewarding gaming experience.