How to Use Mortar in PUBG: A Step-by-Step Guide

By | May 6, 2023

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, commonly known as PUBG, is one of the most popular battle royale games globally, with over 70 million copies sold. The game’s objective is to be the last player or team standing by eliminating all other players on the map. PUBG offers several weapons and tools to help players achieve this objective, and one of the most potent weapons is the mortar.

Understanding Mortar in PUBG

Learning how to aim mortar for precision strikes in PUBG

Learning how to aim mortar for precision strikes in PUBG

Before we delve into how to use mortar in PUBG, it’s essential to understand what mortars are and their types. Mortars are indirect fire weapons that launch explosive shells into the target area from a distance. They are ideal for attacking enemy positions and fortifications, especially in hard-to-reach areas.

In PUBG, there are two types of mortar available: the standard mortar and the super mortar. The standard mortar is a single-use weapon that launches a single explosive shell into the target area. On the other hand, the super mortar is a more powerful version of the standard mortar, with a more extensive range and higher explosive damage.

The advantages of using mortars in PUBG are numerous. First, they provide cover fire while players move towards the enemy’s position, making it easier to attack. Secondly, they can take out multiple enemies at once, making them useful in situations where players face a group of enemies. Finally, mortars can destroy enemy fortifications, making it easier to move through the map.

Now that we understand what mortars are and their types let’s dive into how to use mortar in PUBG.

Using mortars in PUBG requires a combination of strategy, timing, and precision. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use mortar in PUBG effectively:

Step 1: Locate the Enemy Position

The importance of communication when using mortar in team play in PUBG

The importance of communication when using mortar in team play in PUBG

Before using the mortar, players need to locate the enemy position. This can be done using binoculars, scopes, or by visual confirmation. Ensure that the enemy position is within the range of the mortar.

Step 2: Equip the Mortar

Understanding the different types of mortar in PUBG and their advantages

Understanding the different types of mortar in PUBG and their advantages

To use the mortar, players need to equip it from the inventory. The mortar will appear in the player’s hands, and they can move around while holding it.

Step 3: Aim the Mortar

Aiming the mortar requires players to use the mortar’s reticle to align with the enemy position. The reticle is visible on the screen and can be moved by using the mouse or joystick. Players need to adjust the reticle’s position to the enemy position accurately.

Step 4: Adjust the Mortar’s Range

Once the reticle is aligned with the enemy position, players need to adjust the mortar’s range. This can be done by using the range adjustment buttons, which are visible on the screen. Players need to adjust the range to ensure that the mortar shell lands precisely on the enemy position.

Step 5: Launch the Mortar

After aligning the reticle and adjusting the range, players can launch the mortar by pressing the launch button. The mortar shell will be launched into the target area, causing significant damage to the enemy position.

Step 6: Observe the Results

After launching the mortar, players need to observe the results. If the mortar hits the enemy position, players will see the damage caused. If not, players need to repeat the process until they achieve the desired result.

Using mortars in PUBG requires practice and patience. With time, players can master the art of using mortars and become more effective in eliminating enemy positions.

How to Use Mortar in PUBG: A Step-by-Step Guide (Continued)

Tips on Effective Use of Mortar in PUBG

Using mortars in PUBG can be challenging, but players can improve their effectiveness by following these tips:

1. Use Mortars from a Safe Distance

Mortars can be used from a safe distance, making it easier to avoid enemy fire. Players should use mortars from a distance where they cannot be seen or targeted by the enemy. This will increase their chances of success and survival.

2. Choose the Right Type of Mortar

Choosing the right mortar for the situation is crucial. Players should use the standard mortar for attacking small enemy positions or the super mortar for larger enemy positions. Using the wrong type of mortar can result in failure and wasted resources.

3. Practice Makes Perfect

Like any other skill, using mortars in PUBG requires practice. Players should practice using mortars in training mode or low-risk matches to improve their accuracy and timing.

4. Coordinate with Teammates

Mortars can be used effectively in team play. Players should coordinate with their teammates to ensure that the mortar is used at the right time and location. This will increase the chances of success and reduce the risk of friendly fire.

Best Situations to Use Mortar in PUBG

Mortars can be used in various situations in PUBG. Here are some scenarios where mortars are highly effective:

1. Enemy Fortifications

Mortars are ideal for attacking enemy fortifications, such as buildings, walls, and barriers. Players can use mortars to destroy enemy fortifications, making it easier to move through the map and attack the enemy.

2. Group of Enemies

Mortars are effective in situations where players face a group of enemies. Players can launch a single mortar shell that can take out multiple enemies at once, giving them an advantage in the battle.

3. Cover Fire

Mortars can provide cover fire while players move towards the enemy’s position. Players can launch a mortar shell to distract the enemy and provide cover for their teammates to move towards the enemy’s position.

4. Ambush

Mortars can be used to ambush the enemy. Players can set up a trap by hiding behind cover and launching a mortar shell when the enemy is in range. This can be highly effective in catching the enemy off guard and causing significant damage.

In conclusion, mortars are powerful weapons that can be used effectively in PUBG. By following the step-by-step guide and tips on effective use, players can improve their chances of success and survival. Additionally, understanding the different scenarios where mortars are highly effective can give players an advantage in the battle. With practice and coordination, players can master the art of using mortars and become more effective in eliminating the enemy.

Mortar in Team Play in PUBG

In team play, using mortars can be a game-changer. Mortars can provide cover fire for teammates advancing on enemy positions or attacking fortified locations. They can also create diversions, allowing teammates to flank and surprise the enemy.

Importance of Mortar in Team Play

The importance of mortars in team play cannot be overstated. Mortars can take out multiple enemies at once, making them ideal for situations where teammates face a group of enemies. They can also destroy enemy fortifications, making it easier for teammates to move through the map.

Moreover, mortars can provide cover fire for teammates, making it easier to advance on the enemy’s position. This is especially useful when attacking fortified locations, where the enemy has an advantage. Mortars can create diversions, allowing teammates to flank and surprise the enemy, increasing the chances of success.

How to Coordinate with Teammates in Using Mortar in PUBG

To use mortars effectively in team play, coordination with teammates is critical. Players need to communicate effectively and coordinate their movements to ensure that the mortar is used effectively. Here are some tips on how to coordinate with teammates when using mortars in PUBG:

  1. Communicate: Communication is key when using mortars in team play. Players need to communicate clearly and effectively to ensure that the mortar is used effectively.

  2. Assign Roles: Assigning roles to each teammate can help ensure that the mortar is used effectively. For example, one teammate can locate the enemy position, while another teammate can equip and launch the mortar.

  3. Plan Ahead: Planning ahead can help ensure that the mortar is used effectively. Players need to plan their movements and ensure that they are in a position to use the mortar effectively.

  4. Practice: Using mortars in team play requires practice. Players need to practice using mortars in different scenarios to ensure that they can use them effectively in team play.

Using mortars in team play can be a game-changer. With effective communication, coordination, and practice, players can use mortars to increase their chances of success in team play.


Mortars are powerful weapons in PUBG that can provide cover fire, take out multiple enemies, and destroy fortifications. Understanding how to use mortars in PUBG is essential for players looking to increase their chances of success in the game.

In conclusion, using mortars in PUBG requires strategy, timing, and precision. Players need to locate the enemy position, equip the mortar, aim the mortar, adjust the range, launch the mortar, and observe the results. In team play, coordination with teammates is critical to using mortars effectively.

To use mortars effectively, players need to communicate, assign roles, plan ahead, and practice. With effective communication, coordination, and practice, players can use mortars to increase their chances of success in PUBG. Make sure to utilize mortars in your next game to increase your chances of winning.