How to Split Items in PUBG: Mastering the Art of Item Distribution

By | May 6, 2023

If you’re an avid PUBG player, you know how critical it is to have the right items at the right time. Items like weapons, ammunition, health kits, and grenades can make all the difference between winning and losing a match. However, it’s not always easy to find everything you need, and sometimes, you need to rely on your teammates to help you out.

In PUBG, item splitting is a crucial skill that allows players to share items with their teammates effectively. Whether you’re playing with a random squad or a group of friends, knowing how to split items can make your gameplay smoother and more successful. In this article, we’ll show you how to split items in PUBG effectively.

Understanding Item Splitting in PUBG

Teammates distribute items among themselves to split them in PUBG

Teammates distribute items among themselves to split them in PUBG

Before we delve into the techniques and tips for item splitting, it’s essential to understand what item splitting means. Item splitting refers to the act of dividing items into smaller stacks and distributing them among teammates. It’s an efficient way to share items without wasting them, especially when you have limited space in your inventory.

One of the significant benefits of item splitting is that it allows players to optimize their inventory space. When you’re playing with a team, you can distribute items among your teammates, so everyone has what they need without overburdening one player. Moreover, item splitting can help you build trust and teamwork with your squad, which can lead to better communication and coordination during gameplay.

Techniques for Item Splitting in PUBG

A player prioritizes essential items when splitting them in PUBG

A player prioritizes essential items when splitting them in PUBG

There are several techniques for item splitting in PUBG, and each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most effective methods for item splitting:

Dropping Items on the Ground

One of the simplest ways to split items in PUBG is to drop them on the ground and let your teammates pick them up. This method works well when you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to split items manually. To drop an item, open your inventory, select the item you want to drop, and drag it to the ground. Your teammates can then walk over the item to pick it up.

However, this method has some downsides. For example, dropping items on the ground can attract attention from other players, which can put your team at risk. Moreover, if your teammates are far away, they may not be able to see the item on the ground, which can lead to confusion and miscommunication.

Splitting Stacks of Items

Another common technique for item splitting is to split stacks of items manually. This method works well when you have several items of the same type, such as ammunition or health kits. To split a stack of items, open your inventory, select the stack you want to split, and drag it to an empty slot in your inventory. Then, right-click on the stack and select “Split.” You can then choose how many items you want to split and drag the new stack to the ground or your teammate’s inventory.

This method is more precise than dropping items on the ground, and it allows you to split items evenly among your teammates. However, it can be time-consuming, especially when you have many items to split. It’s also important to communicate with your teammates to ensure that everyone has what they need.

Distributing Items Among Teammates

The most effective way to split items in PUBG is to distribute them among your teammates manually. This method works well when you have a trusted team and want to ensure that everyone has what they need. To distribute items, open your inventory, select the item you want to split, and drag it to your teammate’s inventory slot. You can then repeat the process for other items.

This method is the most efficient way to share items, and it allows you to split items evenly among your teammates. However, it requires good communication and coordination between team members. Moreover, it’s essential to prioritize essential items and distribute them first to ensure that everyone has what they need.

Techniques for Item Splitting in PUBG

A player stores items in a safe location after splitting them in PUBG

A player stores items in a safe location after splitting them in PUBG

Storing Items in Safe Locations

When you’re splitting items in PUBG, it’s essential to store them in safe locations to avoid losing them to other players. Always try to split items in an area that’s away from other players and where you have cover. Moreover, avoid leaving items in open areas where other players can see them.

One effective way to store items is to use buildings or other structures as cover. You can split items inside a building and then close the doors to prevent other players from seeing them. Additionally, you can hide items in bushes or other natural cover to keep them safe from other players.

Tips for Effective Item Splitting in PUBG

To split items effectively in PUBG, you need to follow some essential tips. Here are some tips that can help you distribute items among your team members efficiently:

Prioritizing Essential Items

When you’re splitting items, it’s crucial to prioritize the items that are essential for survival and combat. Items like weapons, ammunition, and health kits should be split first to ensure that everyone has what they need. Moreover, it’s important to split items evenly among team members to maintain balance and prevent one player from becoming overburdened.

Communication Among Teammates

Communication is critical when it comes to splitting items in PUBG. You need to communicate with your teammates to ensure that everyone has what they need and that items are split evenly. Use voice chat or text chat to communicate with your team members and plan your strategy for item splitting.

Moreover, always inform your team members when you’re splitting items and where you’re storing them. This will prevent confusion and ensure that everyone knows where to find the items they need.

Storing Items in Safe Locations

As mentioned earlier, storing items in safe locations is crucial to prevent losing them to other players. Always try to split items in an area that’s away from other players and where you have cover. Moreover, avoid leaving items in open areas where other players can see them.

One effective way to store items is to use buildings or other structures as cover. You can split items inside a building and then close the doors to prevent other players from seeing them. Additionally, you can hide items in bushes or other natural cover to keep them safe from other players.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Item Splitting in PUBG

As with any skill, item splitting in PUBG requires practice and patience. However, even experienced players can make mistakes when it comes to item splitting. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid:

Forgetting to Split Items

One of the most common mistakes in item splitting is forgetting to split items. It’s easy to get caught up in the gameplay and forget to distribute items among your teammates. To avoid this mistake, make a habit of checking your inventory regularly and sharing items as soon as you find them.

Unequal Distribution of Items

Another mistake in item splitting is an unequal distribution of items. It’s essential to split items evenly among your teammates to ensure that everyone has what they need. Moreover, it’s crucial to consider each teammate’s role in the game and distribute items accordingly.

Not Considering Future Needs

Finally, a mistake in item splitting is not considering future needs. It’s important to think ahead and anticipate future needs, such as in the endgame, where you may need specific items to survive. Make sure to keep essential items like health kits and ammunition, and distribute them wisely among your team.


In conclusion, mastering item splitting in PUBG is essential to successful gameplay. By understanding the techniques and tips for item splitting, you can optimize your inventory space, build trust and teamwork with your squad, and increase your chances of winning. Remember to avoid common mistakes like forgetting to split items, unequal distribution of items, and not considering future needs. With these skills in hand, you’ll be a valuable asset to your team and a formidable opponent in the game.

Overall, item splitting is a crucial part of PUBG gameplay that can make all the difference between victory and defeat. By following the techniques and tips outlined in this article, you can hone your skills and become a master of item distribution. PubG Facts hopes that this article has been informative and helpful in enhancing your PUBG gameplay.