How to Recall on PUBG: A Comprehensive Guide

By | May 6, 2023

Are you tired of getting caught off guard in PUBG? Do you want to learn how to recall quickly, efficiently, and gain an advantage over your opponents? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with everything you need to know about recalling in PUBG. We will cover the definition of recall, techniques for recalling, common mistakes to avoid, and advanced strategies to give you an edge in the game.

Understanding Recall in PUBG

Mastering advanced recall techniques can give you a competitive edge in PUBG

Mastering advanced recall techniques can give you a competitive edge in PUBG

Before we dive into the techniques, it’s essential to understand what recall means in PUBG. Recall is a feature that allows players to return to a specific location on the map quickly. It is especially useful when you need to retreat from a firefight, escape the blue zone, or loot an area.

Recall works by creating a temporary portal that allows you to teleport back to a previously saved location. However, be warned that this feature has a cooldown time, and you cannot use it indefinitely. The cooldown time varies depending on the type of recall you use.

There are two types of recalls in PUBG: Personal Recall and Team Recall. Personal Recall is a solo player feature that allows you to return to your saved location. On the other hand, Team Recall is a group feature that enables you and your teammates to teleport to a saved location simultaneously.

Understanding the different types of recalls and how they work is crucial to mastering the technique. In the next section, we will provide you with tips on how to recall quickly and efficiently.

Techniques for Recalling in PUBG

Avoiding common recall mistakes is crucial to surviving in PUBG

Avoiding common recall mistakes is crucial to surviving in PUBG

Recalling can be a lifesaver in PUBG, but it’s crucial to do it quickly and efficiently. Here are some tips to help you recall like a pro:

  1. Always save your location: Before you start looting or engaging in a firefight, save your location. It’s best to save your location in a safe area, away from enemies.

  2. Keep an eye on the cooldown: Each recall has a cooldown time, and it’s essential to keep an eye on it. The cooldown time varies depending on the type of recall you use.

  3. Use cover: Recall leaves you vulnerable for a few seconds, so it’s crucial to use cover. Make sure you’re in a safe area before recalling.

  4. Communicate with your team: If you’re using Team Recall, make sure to communicate with your team. Coordinate your recalls to avoid getting separated.

By following these tips, you can recall quickly and efficiently in PUBG. In the next section, we will discuss common mistakes to avoid when recalling.

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Techniques for Recalling in PUBG Cont.

Strategic recalls can help you gain an advantage in PUBG

Strategic recalls can help you gain an advantage in PUBG

Let’s dive deeper into the techniques for recalling in PUBG:

  1. Use Personal Recall wisely: Personal Recall has a longer cooldown time than Team Recall. Make sure you use it wisely and only when necessary.

  2. Prioritize Team Recall: If you’re playing in a team, prioritize using Team Recall over Personal Recall. It’s more efficient and safer to recall with your team.

  3. Use recalls strategically: Recall can be an excellent strategy to gain an advantage over your opponents. For example, you can use Team Recall to flank enemies or escape a dangerous situation.

  4. Practice makes perfect: Like any skill in PUBG, recalling takes practice. Try to use it frequently in your games to get used to the cooldown times and timing.

Understanding the different types of recalls in PUBG is also crucial. Personal Recall and Team Recall have different cooldown times and uses. Personal Recall is more suitable for solo players, while Team Recall is more efficient for teams.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Recalling in PUBG

While recalling can be a useful tool, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes that players make. Here are some errors to avoid:

  1. Recalling in the open: Recalling leaves you vulnerable for a few seconds, so it’s crucial to do it in a safe area. Avoid recalling in the open, as enemies can easily target you.

  2. Not communicating with your team: If you’re playing in a team, communication is key. Make sure to coordinate your recalls with your team to avoid getting separated.

  3. Not prioritizing recalls: Recall can be a game-changer in PUBG, so make sure to prioritize it. Don’t hesitate to use it when necessary.

  4. Recalling too late: Timing is crucial when recalling. Don’t wait until the last second to recall, as it may be too late. Try to recall as soon as possible to avoid getting caught off guard.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following the tips we provided, you can recall like a pro in PUBG. In the next section, we will discuss advanced techniques for recalling.

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Advanced Techniques for Recalling in PUBG

If you’re an experienced PUBG player and want to take your recalling skills to the next level, here are some advanced techniques to consider:

  1. Use recalls offensively: Recall can be used offensively to gain an advantage over your opponents. For example, you can recall to a high ground location to gain a strategic advantage in a firefight.

  2. Fake recalls: If you’re in a firefight and want to confuse your opponents, consider using a fake recall. Quickly start the recall process and then cancel it to make your opponents think you’ve teleported away.

  3. Use recalls to escape the blue zone: Recall can be a lifesaver when you’re stuck in the blue zone. Use it to teleport to a safe location before the blue zone closes in.

  4. Save multiple locations: You can save up to three locations in PUBG. Consider saving locations in strategic areas, such as high ground or near valuable loot.

By incorporating these advanced techniques into your gameplay, you can gain a significant advantage over your opponents and become a more skilled PUBG player.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered everything you need to know about recalling in PUBG. Recall is a powerful tool that can be used to gain an advantage over your opponents, but it’s crucial to use it correctly.

We’ve discussed the definition of recall, techniques for recalling, common mistakes to avoid, and advanced strategies for more experienced players. By following our tips and integrating them into your gameplay, you’ll be recalling like a pro in no time.

Remember, practicing is key. The more you use recall in PUBG, the more comfortable you’ll become with the feature. And if you’re ever in doubt, don’t hesitate to refer back to this guide.

Thank you for reading our guide on how to recall on PUBG. We hope you found it informative and helpful. For more PUBG tips and tricks, visit our website