How to Become a PUBG Mobile Partner: Requirements and Steps

By | May 6, 2023

Are you an avid PUBG Mobile player with a knack for creating video content? Have you ever wondered how to become a PUBG Mobile Partner and monetize your passion? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the requirements and steps to become a PUBG Mobile Partner.

Introduction to PUBG Mobile Partnership Program

Tuning in to watch your favorite PUBG Mobile streamer

Tuning in to watch your favorite PUBG Mobile streamer

The PUBG Mobile Partnership Program is an initiative by Tencent Games, the creators of PUBG Mobile, to support content creators and influencers. The program aims to collaborate with creators who produce high-quality content and promote a positive gaming community. In return, the program offers numerous benefits, including exclusive access to in-game content, monetization opportunities, and promotion to a wider audience.

Requirements to Become a PUBG Mobile Partner

Bonding over a game of PUBG Mobile with friends

Bonding over a game of PUBG Mobile with friends

The PUBG Mobile Partnership Program has specific requirements that applicants must meet to be considered for the program. Here are the minimum eligibility criteria:

  • Age limit: Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
  • Content creation: Applicants must have experience in creating high-quality video content related to PUBG Mobile.
  • Subscriber count: Applicants must have a minimum of 100,000 subscribers on YouTube or 50,000 followers on Twitch.
  • Community engagement: Applicants must have a positive influence on the gaming community and promote a healthy gaming environment.

In addition to the minimum eligibility criteria, there are some basic requirements for the application process. Applicants must have a PUBG Mobile account, a YouTube or Twitch account, and a verified email address. Once applicants meet these requirements, they can proceed with the application process.

Steps to Become a PUBG Mobile Partner

Celebrating becoming a PUBG Mobile Partner

Celebrating becoming a PUBG Mobile Partner

Now that you know the requirements, let’s move on to the steps to become a PUBG Mobile Partner.

How to Apply

The first step is to visit the official PUBG Mobile Partnership Program website and fill out the application form. The form requires basic personal information, such as your name, email address, and country of residence. You’ll also need to provide links to your social media profiles and YouTube or Twitch channel.

Application Process

After submitting the application, the PUBG Mobile team will review your application and assess your eligibility. If your application meets the minimum requirements, you’ll receive an email inviting you to join the program. However, in some cases, the PUBG Mobile team may request additional information or ask you to submit more content for review.

Review and Approval Process

Once you’ve been invited to join the program, you’ll need to sign a partnership agreement and provide tax information. After signing the agreement, the PUBG Mobile team will review your content regularly to ensure it meets their guidelines. If your content meets the guidelines, you’ll have access to exclusive content, monetization opportunities, and exposure to a wider audience.

Benefits of Becoming a PUBG Mobile Partner

Becoming a PUBG Mobile Partner comes with numerous benefits. Here are some of the benefits you can expect:

Access to Exclusive Content

As a PUBG Mobile Partner, you’ll have access to exclusive in-game content, such as skins, emotes, and weapons. This content is only available to partners and cannot be obtained through regular gameplay.

Monetization Opportunities

Partners can monetize their content by earning revenue from ads, sponsorships, and donations. The PUBG Mobile team also offers additional monetization opportunities, such as exclusive events and tournaments.

Exposure to a Wider Audience

One of the most significant benefits of becoming a PUBG Mobile Partner is exposure to a larger audience. The program promotes partners through their social media channels and website, giving partners the opportunity to reach a wider audience. This exposure can lead to increased subscribers, followers, and revenue.

Tips for Getting Accepted as a PUBG Mobile Partner

Now that you know the requirements and steps to become a PUBG Mobile Partner, it’s time to discuss some tips to increase your chances of acceptance. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Creating High-Quality Content

The most crucial factor in becoming a PUBG Mobile Partner is creating high-quality video content that showcases your skills and personality. Make sure your videos are visually appealing, entertaining, and informative. Use quality equipment and editing software to enhance your content’s production value. Also, try to be creative and unique in your content to stand out from other content creators.

Promoting Positive Community Engagement

PUBG Mobile is all about community engagement, and as a content creator, you must promote a positive gaming environment. Engage with your audience, respond to their comments, and promote healthy gaming practices. Encourage your followers to participate in community events and collaborate with other content creators. By promoting positive community engagement, you increase your chances of acceptance into the PUBG Mobile Partnership Program.

Consistency in Content Creation

Consistency is key when it comes to content creation. Create a posting schedule and stick to it. The more consistent you are, the more likely you are to attract and retain viewers. Consistency also shows that you are committed to your craft and passionate about your content. It’s essential to maintain a balance between quality and consistency to keep your audience engaged.


Becoming a PUBG Mobile Partner is an excellent opportunity for content creators to monetize their passion and gain exclusive access to in-game content. To become a partner, you must meet the minimum eligibility criteria, complete the application process, and follow the tips we’ve discussed in this article. Remember, creating high-quality content, promoting positive community engagement, and consistency are the keys to success. So, what are you waiting for? Apply to the PUBG Mobile Partnership Program and take your content creation to the next level. Good luck!