How to Advertise in PUBG: Tips for Effective In-Game Advertising

By | May 6, 2023

As one of the most popular online multiplayer games, PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) offers a unique opportunity for brands to reach an engaged and diverse audience. In-game advertising has become an increasingly popular way for companies to promote their products and services, and PUBG is no exception. This article will provide tips and strategies for effective in-game advertising in PUBG.

Understanding the Benefits of Ads in PUBG

Sponsored content ads can seamlessly integrate with the game environment

Sponsored content ads can seamlessly integrate with the game environment

In-game advertising is a form of marketing that involves placing ads within video games. This type of advertising has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people spend time playing video games. There are several benefits to advertising in PUBG, including:

Brand visibility

Advertising in PUBG can help increase brand visibility and awareness. With millions of active players worldwide, the game provides a unique platform for brands to reach a diverse and engaged audience.

Increased user engagement

PUBG players are highly engaged and spend a significant amount of time playing the game. By advertising in the game, brands can tap into this engagement and generate interest in their products or services.

Revenue generation

In-game advertising can also be a source of revenue for game developers and publishers. By allowing brands to advertise in their games, developers and publishers can generate additional income while providing a more immersive and engaging experience for players.

Overall, advertising in PUBG offers several benefits for brands looking to reach an engaged and diverse audience. In the following sections, we will explore different types of ads in PUBG, how to create effective ads, and advertising guidelines and best practices.

Types of Ads in PUBG

Product placements in PUBG can increase brand awareness and product recognition

Product placements in PUBG can increase brand awareness and product recognition

There are several types of ads that brands can use in PUBG, including in-game banner ads, sponsored content, and product placement. Here’s a closer look at each of these types of ads:

In-game banner ads

In-game banner ads are static or animated ads that appear on the screen during gameplay. These ads can be placed in various locations within the game, including the loading screen, lobby, and in-game menus. In-game banner ads can be an effective way to get your brand in front of players and increase brand visibility.

Sponsored content

Sponsored content involves creating custom content within the game that promotes a brand’s products or services. This can include custom skins, items, or in-game challenges. Sponsored content can be a more immersive and engaging way to promote your brand within the game.

Stay tuned for the next two sections on creating effective ads in PUBG and advertising guidelines and best practices.

How to Create Effective Ads in PUBG

Design visually appealing ads to grab the attention of PUBG players

Design visually appealing ads to grab the attention of PUBG players

Creating effective ads in PUBG requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips for creating ads that will resonate with players:

Identify the target audience

Before creating ads for PUBG, it’s important to understand the game’s audience and what they’re interested in. This will help you create ads that are relevant and engaging for players. Consider factors such as age, gender, location, and interests when identifying your target audience.

Consider the game environment

PUBG is set in a post-apocalyptic world, and the game’s environment can be intense and chaotic. When creating ads for the game, it’s important to consider the environment and how your ad will fit into it. Ads that are too distracting or out of place can be off-putting for players.

Design eye-catching visuals

In a game like PUBG, players are constantly moving and looking around, which means your ad needs to be eye-catching and attention-grabbing. Use bold colors and striking visuals to make sure your ad stands out from the rest.

Use clear and concise messaging

Players don’t have a lot of time to read through long messages, so it’s important to keep your messaging clear and concise. Use short, snappy messages that get straight to the point.

Test and optimize ads for better performance

Once your ads are live, it’s important to monitor their performance and make adjustments as needed. Use analytics tools to track engagement and click-through rates, and make changes to your ads to improve performance over time.

By following these tips, you can create effective ads that resonate with players and drive engagement for your brand.

Advertising Guidelines and Best Practices

When advertising in PUBG, it’s important to follow certain guidelines and best practices to ensure your ads are effective and well-received by players. Here are some key guidelines to keep in mind:

Ad placement rules

PUBG has rules around where ads can be placed within the game. Make sure to check these rules before creating your ads to ensure compliance.

Ad content restrictions

There are also restrictions on the type of content that can be included in ads within PUBG. For example, ads cannot contain offensive or inappropriate language, and cannot promote illegal or harmful activities.

Ethical considerations

When creating ads for PUBG, it’s important to consider ethical considerations such as user privacy and data protection. Make sure your ads are in line with your brand’s values and do not compromise user privacy or security.

Ad campaign monitoring and optimization

Finally, it’s important to monitor your ad campaigns closely and make adjustments as needed. Use analytics tools to track engagement and click-through rates, and make changes to your ads to improve performance over time.

By following these guidelines and best practices, you can create effective ads that resonate with players and drive engagement for your brand.

Advertising Guidelines and Best Practices

While advertising in PUBG can be an effective way to reach a large and engaged audience, there are several guidelines and best practices that brands should follow to ensure their ads are successful and well-received. Some of these guidelines include:

Ad placement rules

PUBG has strict rules and guidelines regarding the placement of ads within the game. Brands must adhere to these rules to ensure their ads are visible without being intrusive or disruptive to gameplay.

Ad content restrictions

Certain types of content are not allowed in PUBG, and brands must ensure their ads comply with these restrictions. For example, ads that promote illegal or harmful activities are prohibited.

Ethical considerations

Brands must also consider ethical considerations when advertising in PUBG. Ads should be truthful, accurate, and not misleading to players. Brands should also avoid exploiting vulnerable players, such as children or those with addiction issues.

Ad campaign monitoring and optimization

Finally, brands should monitor and optimize their ad campaigns to ensure they are effective and well-received by players. This includes tracking key metrics, such as click-through rates and engagement, and making adjustments to the campaign as needed.


In conclusion, advertising in PUBG can be an effective way for brands to reach a large and engaged audience. By understanding the benefits of in-game advertising, the different types of ads available, and the guidelines and best practices for advertising in PUBG, brands can create effective campaigns that resonate with players. As the popularity of PUBG continues to grow, there will be even more opportunities for brands to reach players and generate interest in their products and services. With these tips and strategies, brands can take advantage of the unique advertising opportunities that PUBG offers and reach new heights of success.