Does PUBG Still Have Bots?

By | May 6, 2023


Get a close-up look at a bot in PUBG.

Get a close-up look at a bot in PUBG.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, commonly known as PUBG, is a popular online multiplayer battle royale game that has gained immense popularity since its release in 2017. The game has been updated several times to improve its gameplay and provide users with an enjoyable experience. One of the most controversial aspects of PUBG is the use of bots in the game. In this article, we will explore whether PUBG still has bots and their impact on the game.

What Are Bots in PUBG?

Can you tell which ones are bots in this PUBG game?

Can you tell which ones are bots in this PUBG game?

Bots are computer-controlled players that are programmed to act like human players. They are designed to simulate real players and participate in the game just like any human player would. Bots are commonly used in games to fill up the player count in lobbies and provide a suitable gaming experience for players with lower skill levels.

In PUBG, bots are used to fill up empty player slots in low-population regions or game modes. They are also used in the early stages of the game to help new players learn the game’s mechanics and get comfortable with the controls. PUBG Corporation has designed these bots to behave like human players, and they can loot, move around, and engage in combat like any regular player. However, bots are not as skilled as human players and can be easily identified due to their predictable behavior.

Changes in PUBG’s Bot System

PUBG announces the removal of bots from a game mode.

PUBG announces the removal of bots from a game mode.

PUBG Corporation has made several changes to the bot system in response to player feedback. The most significant change was the removal of bots from ranked games. This decision was made to ensure that players who have earned a higher rank are matched with other skilled human players, creating a more competitive and fair gameplay experience.

Additionally, PUBG Corporation has made adjustments to bot behavior and frequency. In the game’s early days, bots were highly prevalent, leading to a negative impact on the overall gameplay experience. Since then, the company has reduced the number of bots in the game and has made them less predictable, making it harder for players to identify them.

How to Identify Bots in PUBG

Identifying bots in PUBG can be challenging, but there are several characteristics of bot behavior that players can look out for. Bots typically follow a set pattern of movements, such as running in a straight line, looting in a certain order, and aiming at the same spot repeatedly. They also tend to have predictable shooting patterns and are less likely to take cover or engage in advanced combat tactics.

To spot and deal with bots effectively, players can use several tips and tricks. One of the most effective ways is to keep an eye out for players who move in a robotic pattern or have a suspiciously high kill-to-death ratio. Players can also use audio cues, such as footsteps or gunshots, to determine whether a player is a bot or a human. Finally, players can use tactics such as suppression fire or flanking to take down bots without taking much damage themselves.

In conclusion, while PUBG still has bots, PUBG Corporation has made significant changes to their behavior and frequency to improve the overall gameplay experience. Players can use several tips and tricks to identify bots and deal with them effectively. As a result, bots are no longer a significant issue in the game and can be a useful addition to fill up player slots in low-population regions or game modes.

Impact of Bots on PUBG Gameplay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Having Bots in the Game

Bots have both positive and negative impacts on the game. The primary advantage of having bots is that they can fill up empty player slots, especially in low-population regions or game modes. This ensures that players can still find matches and play the game, even if there are not many other human players available. Bots can also provide a suitable gaming experience for players with lower skill levels and help them learn the game’s mechanics.

On the other hand, bots can have several negative impacts on the game. They are not as skilled as human players, and their predictable behavior can make the game less challenging. Bots can also disrupt the gameplay dynamic, especially in the early stages of the game, where they can easily be identified and targeted.

Effect on the Overall Gaming Experience

The impact of bots on the overall gaming experience is subjective and varies among players. Some players enjoy having bots in the game, as they provide a more casual gaming experience and fill up empty player slots. However, other players find bots to be a nuisance and prefer playing against real human players. The addition of bots can also make the game feel less authentic and reduce the excitement and thrill of playing against real players.


In conclusion, bots are still present in PUBG, and their impact on the game is subjective. While bots can provide a suitable gaming experience for players with lower skill levels and fill up empty player slots, they also have several negative impacts on the game. They are not as skilled as human players, and their predictable behavior can make the game less challenging. Ultimately, whether or not bots are a positive addition to PUBG depends on the player’s preferences and playstyle. As PUBG continues to evolve and update, it will be interesting to see how the inclusion of bots will impact the game’s future.