Does PUBG Have SBMM?

By | May 6, 2023


Visual representation of the PUBG matchmaking system

Visual representation of the PUBG matchmaking system

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, commonly known as PUBG, is an online multiplayer battle royale game that has taken the gaming world by storm. With millions of active players, it’s one of the most popular games of its kind. However, many players are still unsure whether PUBG has Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM), a system designed to match players of similar skill levels. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of SBMM, its presence in PUBG, and its impact on gameplay.

What is SBMM?

Player stats in PUBG

Player stats in PUBG

Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM) is a system that matches players of similar skill levels in multiplayer games. In essence, it ensures that players are matched with opponents of similar skill, making gameplay fairer and more competitive. The system takes into account various factors, including player statistics, win/loss ratio, and kill/death ratio, to determine a player’s skill level.

In PUBG, SBMM works by matching players of similar skill levels in the same lobby. This ensures that players are challenged but not overwhelmed, providing a fair and enjoyable gameplay experience. However, there are both benefits and drawbacks to SBMM, which we’ll explore in the next section.

How SBMM works in PUBG

Frustrated PUBG player struggling with gameplay

Frustrated PUBG player struggling with gameplay

SBMM in PUBG works by analyzing each player’s skill level and then matching them with players of similar skill levels in the same lobby. The game analyzes player statistics, including their win/loss ratio, kill/death ratio, and ranking points, to determine their skill level. It then matches them with players who have similar statistics, ensuring that the game is fair and competitive for all players.

One of the main benefits of SBMM in PUBG is that it ensures fair gameplay. Players are matched with opponents of similar skill levels, ensuring that no one is at an unfair advantage. This makes the game more challenging and enjoyable for all players. However, there are also drawbacks to SBMM, which we’ll explore in the next section.

Does PUBG have SBMM?

Many players have questioned whether or not PUBG has SBMM. The answer is not straightforward, as the developers have not confirmed its presence. However, there is evidence that suggests that SBMM is present in the game.

PUBG has a complex matchmaking system that takes into account various factors to match players. The game divides players into tiers based on their skill level and then matches them with players of similar tiers. This system is similar to SBMM, although it’s not the same thing.

Despite the lack of official confirmation, many players have reported experiencing SBMM in PUBG. They claim that they are matched with players of similar skill levels, which makes the game more challenging and enjoyable. However, not all players agree.

Some players argue that SBMM ruins the game by making it too competitive and stressful. They claim that it takes away from the fun of the game, which is supposed to be about having fun and not winning. Others argue that SBMM is necessary to ensure fair gameplay and prevent players from dominating others.

Why is SBMM controversial?

SBMM has become a controversial topic in the gaming community, and PUBG is no exception. While some players support it, others criticize it.

One of the main criticisms of SBMM is that it takes away from the fun of the game. Players argue that it makes the game too competitive and stressful, which takes away from the enjoyment of playing. It also makes it harder for players to improve their skills because they’re constantly matched with players of similar skill levels.

On the other hand, supporters of SBMM argue that it’s necessary to ensure fair gameplay. Without SBMM, skilled players would dominate less-skilled players, making the game unfair and unenjoyable. It also provides a more challenging and competitive gameplay experience, which many players enjoy.

The implications of SBMM for the PUBG community are significant. If the game does have SBMM, it means that players are matched with opponents of similar skill levels, ensuring fair gameplay. However, it also means that players may face more challenging opponents, which can be stressful and frustrating. Ultimately, whether or not PUBG has SBMM is still up for debate, and it’s up to players to decide whether or not they support it.

How does SBMM affect gameplay?

SBMM has a significant impact on gameplay in PUBG. As mentioned earlier, it ensures fair gameplay by matching players with opponents of similar skill levels. This means that players are challenged, but not overwhelmed, providing a more enjoyable gaming experience.

SBMM also has an effect on player skill development. Players are forced to adapt and improve their skills to keep up with opponents of similar skill levels. This means that players are constantly challenged, which can help them improve and become better players.

However, some players feel that SBMM makes the game less enjoyable. Some argue that it makes the game too competitive, putting too much pressure on players to perform. Others feel that it takes away from the “casual” nature of the game, making it less fun to play.


In conclusion, SBMM is a controversial subject in the world of PUBG. While it ensures fair gameplay and helps players develop their skills, it also has drawbacks that can make the game less enjoyable for some players.

Despite this, it’s clear that SBMM is here to stay. As the gaming world becomes more competitive, it’s likely that more games will adopt SBMM to ensure fair and challenging gameplay.

At, we believe that it’s important for players to understand the concept of SBMM, how it works in PUBG, and its impact on gameplay. By understanding these factors, players can make informed decisions about how they play the game and what strategies they use.

Overall, while SBMM may not be perfect, it’s a step in the right direction towards providing a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players.