Complete PubG Weapons List: Choose the Right Weapon for Every Game Mode

By | May 6, 2023

PUBG is a game that requires strategic thinking and precision aiming. One of the most critical decisions that players have to make is choosing the right weapon for every game mode. Different weapons have different strengths and weaknesses that can make a significant impact on the outcome of the game. In this article, we will provide you with a complete list of PUBG weapons and guide you on how to choose the right weapon for every game mode.

Assault Rifles

Sniper rifles are highly effective for long-range combat. In forest environments, they can provide a strategic advantage for players.

Sniper rifles are highly effective for long-range combat. In forest environments, they can provide a strategic advantage for players.

Assault rifles are versatile weapons that can be used in both short and long-range engagements. They are the most popular weapons in PUBG because of their high damage output and accuracy. There are several assault rifles available in the game, and each has its unique characteristics.

The most popular assault rifles in PUBG are the M416 and the AKM. The M416 is a highly customizable weapon that can be modified to suit different playstyles. It has a high rate of fire, low recoil, and excellent accuracy, making it ideal for medium to long-range engagements. The AKM, on the other hand, has the highest damage output of all assault rifles. It has a slower rate of fire and higher recoil, making it more suitable for short to medium-range engagements.

Other assault rifles in the game include the SCAR-L, which has a lower damage output but is easier to control, the Groza, which has a high rate of fire and high damage output but limited customization options, and the AUG, which is a rare drop that has a built-in scope and high accuracy.

When choosing an assault rifle, consider the game mode you are playing and your playstyle. If you are playing solo, you may want to choose a weapon that is versatile and can handle different situations. If you are playing in a squad, you may want to choose a weapon that complements your squad’s playstyle.

Submachine Guns

Shotguns are deadly weapons at close range and are perfect for indoor combat. They can quickly eliminate enemies in tight spaces.

Shotguns are deadly weapons at close range and are perfect for indoor combat. They can quickly eliminate enemies in tight spaces.

Submachine guns are compact weapons that are highly effective in close-range engagements. They have a high rate of fire and low recoil, making them suitable for quick and aggressive gameplay. There are several submachine guns available in PUBG, and each has its unique characteristics.

The most popular submachine guns in the game are the Vector and the Uzi. The Vector has the highest rate of fire of all submachine guns and can be equipped with an extended mag, making it ideal for clearing buildings and close-range combat. The Uzi is a versatile weapon that can be modified to suit different playstyles. It has a lower rate of fire than the Vector but is more accurate at longer ranges.

Other submachine guns in the game include the Tommy Gun, which has a high damage output but limited customization options, and the Bizon, which has a large magazine but lower damage output.

When choosing a submachine gun, consider the game mode you are playing and your playstyle. If you are playing in a squad, you may want to choose a weapon that complements your squad’s playstyle. If you are playing solo, you may want to choose a weapon that allows you to move quickly and engage in close-range combat.


Submachine guns are ideal for close combat and can be effective in snowy environments. Their high rate of fire makes them deadly in short-range battles.

Submachine guns are ideal for close combat and can be effective in snowy environments. Their high rate of fire makes them deadly in short-range battles.

Shotguns are powerful weapons that are highly effective in close-range engagements. They have a high damage output but limited range and accuracy. There are several shotguns available in PUBG, and each has its unique characteristics.

The most popular shotguns in the game are the S12K and the Pump Action Shotgun. The S12K has a high rate of fire and can be equipped with an extended mag, making it ideal for clearing buildings and close-range combat. The Pump Action Shotgun has a higher damage output but slower rate of fire.

Other shotguns in the game include the Sawed-Off Shotgun, which has a short barrel and limited range, and the Double Barrel Shotgun, which has a high damage output but only two rounds before needing to reload.

When choosing a shotgun, consider the game mode you are playing and your playstyle. If you are playing in a squad, you may want to choose a weapon that complements your squad’s playstyle. If you are playing solo, you may want to choose a weapon that allows you to engage in close-range combat and take down enemies quickly.

Sniper Rifles

Sniper rifles are long-range weapons that are designed for precision shooting. They are the most lethal weapons in PUBG and can take down an opponent with a single shot. Sniper rifles require a high level of skill to use effectively, and players must be patient and have excellent aim to be successful with these weapons.

The most popular sniper rifles in PUBG are the Kar98k and the M24. The Kar98k is a bolt-action rifle that can kill an opponent with a single shot to the head. It has a slow rate of fire, but it is highly accurate and has low recoil, making it ideal for long-range engagements. The M24, on the other hand, is a semi-automatic rifle that has a high rate of fire and excellent accuracy. It has a higher damage output than the Kar98k, but it is also harder to control.

Other sniper rifles in the game include the AWM, which is the most powerful sniper rifle in PUBG, capable of killing an opponent with a single shot to the body or limbs, and the Win94, which is a lever-action rifle that is only available in Miramar.

When choosing a sniper rifle, consider the game mode you are playing and your playstyle. If you are playing solo, you may want to choose a sniper rifle that is easy to use and has a high damage output. If you are playing in a squad, you may want to choose a sniper rifle that complements your squad’s playstyle.


In conclusion, choosing the right weapon in PUBG can make a significant difference in your gameplay. We have provided you with a complete list of PUBG weapons, including assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, and sniper rifles. Each weapon has its unique strengths and weaknesses, and it is essential to choose the right weapon for every game mode.

It is also crucial to practice and master different weapons to improve your gameplay. Knowing how to use different weapons effectively can give you an advantage over your opponents and increase your chances of winning.

At, we recommend that you experiment with different weapons and find the ones that suit your playstyle. Remember, success in PUBG is not just about having the best weapons; it is also about having the right strategy and skills. With the right weapons and the right mindset, you can become a PUBG champion.