Can You Revive in PUBG? Everything You Need to Know

By | May 6, 2023

PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) is a popular multiplayer online battle royale game where players fight for survival against up to 99 other players. In PUBG, players can play solo or in teams of two, three, or four. The game is known for its fast-paced action, strategic gameplay, and intense battles that leave players on the edge of their seats.

If you’re new to the game, one of the questions you might be wondering is: can you revive in PUBG? The answer is yes, you can revive in PUBG. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about reviving in PUBG, including how to revive your teammates, when you can revive, strategies for successful reviving, and more.

Reviving in PUBG

Reviving Under Fire

Reviving Under Fire

Reviving is a feature in PUBG that allows players to bring their teammates back to life after they’ve been knocked down. When a player is knocked down, they’ll fall to the ground and lose the ability to move or shoot. However, they’ll still be able to crawl and communicate with their teammates. If a player is knocked down, their teammates can revive them before they die.

To revive a teammate, you’ll need to get close to them and press the interact button (default: F). Once you’re reviving a teammate, you’ll need to protect them from enemy fire while they slowly regain their health. It’s important to note that reviving takes time, and you’ll be vulnerable to enemy attacks while doing so. In addition, you’ll need to have a teammate in close proximity to you to revive them.

Reviving is an essential feature in PUBG, especially in team modes, where players need to work together to achieve victory. Knowing how to revive your teammates can mean the difference between winning and losing a game.

When can you revive in PUBG?

Successful Revival

Successful Revival

Reviving in PUBG is subject to certain conditions. First, a player can only be revived if they’ve been knocked down, not killed. If a player is killed, they’ll be out of the game for good, and their teammates won’t be able to revive them.

Second, a player can only be revived if they’re still within the playable area of the game. If a player is knocked down outside of the playable area, they’ll die quickly and won’t be able to be revived.

In addition, players can only be revived a certain number of times. In most game modes, players can be revived up to two times before being permanently killed. However, in some game modes, such as War Mode, players can be revived an unlimited number of times.

Knowing when you can revive your teammates is crucial to successful gameplay in PUBG. It’s important to keep in mind the conditions for reviving and to communicate effectively with your teammates to ensure everyone is on the same page.

When can you revive in PUBG?

Race Against Time

Race Against Time

As mentioned earlier, there are certain conditions for reviving in PUBG. Here are some of the key conditions to keep in mind:

  • Players can only be revived if they’ve been knocked down, not killed.
  • Players can only be revived within the playable area of the game.
  • Players can only be revived a certain number of times, depending on the game mode.

It’s also important to note that reviving takes time, and you’ll be vulnerable to enemy attacks while doing so. In addition, you’ll need to have a teammate in close proximity to you to revive them.

Strategies for successful reviving

Reviving can be a risky and time-consuming process, but there are strategies you can use to make the process safer and more efficient. Here are some tips for successful reviving in PUBG:

  • Communicate with your teammates: Before attempting to revive a teammate, make sure you communicate with them to let them know what you’re doing and to keep them informed of any potential dangers.

  • Find cover: When reviving a teammate, try to find cover to protect yourself from enemy fire. Use buildings, trees, rocks, and other objects as cover to minimize your exposure to the enemy.

  • Revive in pairs: Whenever possible, try to revive your teammate with another teammate nearby. This way, one teammate can cover the reviving teammate while the other covers the area to watch out for enemy attacks.

  • Time your revives: Reviving takes time, so it’s important to time your revives carefully. Try to revive your teammate when the area is clear of enemies or when your teammates have eliminated nearby enemies.

  • Practice in different scenarios: Reviving can be challenging in different scenarios, such as when you’re in the open or when you’re in close quarters combat. Practice reviving in different scenarios to improve your skills and to be prepared for any situation.

By following these tips and strategies, you can increase your chances of successfully reviving your teammates and winning the game. Remember, reviving is an essential part of team gameplay in PUBG, so mastering this skill is crucial to achieving victory.

Reviving in Solo vs. Team Modes

While the mechanics of reviving are the same in both solo and team modes, the strategies for reviving differ significantly. In solo mode, players don’t have any teammates to rely on for reviving, which means they need to be extra cautious when engaging in battles.

If a solo player is knocked down, they won’t have anyone to revive them, which means they’ll need to rely on medkits and other healing items to regain their health. It’s important for solo players to be aware of their surroundings, avoid unnecessary fights, and stay hidden from enemy players.

In team modes, reviving is a critical component of gameplay, and players need to work together to ensure everyone stays alive. In team modes, players should always be on the lookout for their teammates and be ready to revive them if they’re knocked down.

To ensure successful reviving in team modes, players should stick together and communicate effectively. It’s also important for players to have designated roles, such as a medic, who can focus on reviving and healing teammates.


In conclusion, reviving is an essential feature in PUBG that can mean the difference between winning and losing a game. Knowing how to revive your teammates and when you can revive them is crucial to successful gameplay in PUBG.

Teamwork is also crucial in PUBG, especially in team modes, where players need to work together to achieve victory. Reviving is just one aspect of teamwork in PUBG, but it’s an important one that can help keep your team alive and increase your chances of winning.

Overall, the importance of reviving in PUBG cannot be overstated. Whether you’re playing solo or in a team, knowing how to revive your teammates and communicate effectively is key to success. So, the next time you’re playing PUBG, keep these tips in mind, and remember that reviving can make all the difference.