What is TPP and FPP in PUBG?

By | May 6, 2023

As one of the most popular battle royale games in the world, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) has become a household name for gamers. One of the key features of the game is the ability to play in different modes, including Third-Person Perspective (TPP) and First-Person Perspective (FPP). In this article, we will explore what TPP and FPP mean in PUBG and which one is better.

What is TPP in PUBG?

FPP mode provides a more immersive experience, allowing players to feel like they are actually in the game.

FPP mode provides a more immersive experience, allowing players to feel like they are actually in the game.

TPP, or Third-Person Perspective, is a gameplay mode in which the player views their character from a third-person perspective. This means that the player can see their character from behind and can rotate the camera around them to survey their surroundings. TPP is the default gameplay mode in PUBG and is often the preferred mode for casual players.

In TPP mode, players have a wider field of view, which allows them to see more of their surroundings. This can be useful for spotting enemies or finding cover quickly. However, TPP also has some disadvantages, such as the fact that it can be harder to aim accurately due to the camera angle.

Overall, TPP is a great option for players who want to take a more relaxed approach to the game and enjoy the freedom to move around more easily.

What is FPP in PUBG?

Choosing between TPP and FPP mode can greatly affect gameplay and playstyle.

Choosing between TPP and FPP mode can greatly affect gameplay and playstyle.

FPP, or First-Person Perspective, is a gameplay mode in which the player views the game world from the perspective of their character’s eyes. This means that the player’s field of view is limited to what their character can see and they cannot see their character unless they look in a mirror or use a third-person camera.

FPP mode is often preferred by competitive players as it provides a more immersive experience and allows for more precise aiming. However, FPP can also be more challenging as players have a narrower field of view and must rely on their other senses to detect enemies.

In general, FPP is a great option for players who want a more intense and immersive gaming experience and are willing to put in the extra effort to succeed.

What is FPP in PUBG?

TPP mode allows players to see their surroundings without exposing themselves to danger.

TPP mode allows players to see their surroundings without exposing themselves to danger.

FPP, or First-Person Perspective, is a gameplay mode that provides a more immersive experience for players. In FPP mode, the player sees the game world from the perspective of their character’s eyes, providing a more realistic and intense experience.

Unlike TPP, FPP does not allow players to see their character from behind and limits their field of view to what their character can see. This can make it harder to spot enemies or find cover quickly, but it also provides a more realistic and challenging experience.

One of the main advantages of FPP is that it allows for more precise aiming. Since the player’s view is limited to what their character can see, they must rely on their other senses to detect enemies. This can be especially useful in close-quarters combat or when trying to take out enemies from a distance.

However, FPP does have some disadvantages as well. The limited field of view can make it harder to navigate the game world and spot enemies, especially in open areas. Additionally, the more realistic and immersive experience of FPP can make it more difficult for some players to play for extended periods.

Differences between TPP and FPP in PUBG

The main differences between TPP and FPP in PUBG relate to the player’s perspective and field of view. In TPP, the player has a wider field of view and can see their character from behind. This allows for more freedom of movement and can make it easier to spot enemies and take cover quickly.

In contrast, FPP provides a more immersive experience and limits the player’s field of view to what their character can see. This can make it more challenging to navigate the game world and spot enemies, but it also provides a more realistic and intense experience.

The differences between TPP and FPP can have a significant impact on gameplay. For example, TPP is often preferred by casual players who value ease of movement and a wider field of view, while FPP is more popular among competitive players who want a more challenging and immersive experience.

Overall, the choice between TPP and FPP in PUBG comes down to personal preference and playstyle. Players should experiment with both modes to see which one they prefer and which one works best for their gameplay style.

Which is better: TPP or FPP?

When it comes to deciding between TPP and FPP, there are several factors to consider. The first is personal preference. Some players simply prefer the feel of TPP or FPP and find one mode more comfortable to play in than the other.

Another consideration is playstyle. Casual players may find that TPP is more enjoyable as it allows for a more relaxed approach to the game. On the other hand, competitive players may prefer FPP as it provides a more immersive experience and allows for more precise aiming.

It’s also worth noting that the mode you choose can affect your chances of success. In general, FPP is more challenging but can also provide a more rewarding experience for skilled players. However, TPP can be a great option for players who want an easier time and still want to enjoy the game.

Ultimately, the choice between TPP and FPP comes down to personal preference and playstyle. Both modes offer unique advantages and disadvantages, and it’s up to you to decide which one is right for you.


In conclusion, understanding what TPP and FPP mean in PUBG is essential for any player who wants to experience the game to its fullest. TPP and FPP offer different gameplay experiences, and each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Whether you prefer the relaxed feel of TPP or the immersive experience of FPP, the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and playstyle. As long as you enjoy the game and have fun, that’s all that really matters.

So, next time you fire up PUBG, take a moment to think about which mode you want to play in. And remember, no matter which mode you choose, Pubgfact.com is here to provide you with all the latest news, tips, and strategies to help you succeed.