Upgrade Your PubG Armor: A Guide to Better Protection

By | May 6, 2023

Are you tired of constantly getting knocked down in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG)? Do you find yourself constantly struggling to survive in this intense and competitive game? If so, it might be time to upgrade your armor.

Armor is one of the most critical components of survival in PUBG. It provides vital protection against enemy fire and helps you stay alive longer. In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about upgrading your armor in PUBG.

Understanding Armor in PUBG

Level 2 armor provides better protection and is a good choice for mid-game.

Level 2 armor provides better protection and is a good choice for mid-game.

PUBG offers three types of armor – Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Each type provides a different level of protection, which is essential to understand when upgrading your armor.

Level 1 Armor

Level 1 armor is the most basic armor available in PUBG. It provides minimal protection against enemy fire, making it vulnerable to high-powered weapons. However, it does offer some protection against melee attacks and low-powered weapons.

While Level 1 armor is better than nothing, it is always advisable to upgrade to Level 2 or Level 3 armor as soon as possible.

Level 2 Armor

Level 2 armor provides a moderate level of protection against enemy fire. It can withstand several hits from low-powered weapons and some high-powered weapons. However, it will not protect you against high-powered sniper rifles or assault rifles.

Level 2 armor is relatively easy to find, making it a popular choice among PUBG players.

Level 3 Armor

Level 3 armor is the most advanced type of armor in PUBG. It provides maximum protection against enemy fire, making it ideal for players who want to stay alive longer. It can withstand multiple hits from high-powered weapons, including sniper rifles and assault rifles.

However, Level 3 armor is rare and challenging to find. It is typically only available in airdrops, making it a valuable item in PUBG.

Understanding the different types of armor available in PUBG is critical to upgrade your armor effectively. It is essential to choose the right armor based on your playstyle and location to survive longer in the game.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Armor

Level 3 armor provides the best protection but can be hard to find and repair.

Level 3 armor provides the best protection but can be hard to find and repair.

When choosing armor in PUBG, several factors need to be considered. These factors can impact your gameplay and survival, making it essential to choose wisely.


The location you are in can have a significant impact on the armor you choose. For example, if you are in an open field, you may want to choose Level 3 armor to protect yourself from enemy fire. However, if you are in a building, Level 1 or Level 2 armor may be sufficient.

Play Style

Your playstyle can also impact your armor choice. If you are an aggressive player who likes to engage in combat frequently, you may want to choose Level 3 armor to provide maximum protection. However, if you prefer a more passive approach, Level 1 or Level 2 armor may be sufficient.

Choosing the right armor based on your location and playstyle can increase your chances of survival in PUBG. Always consider these factors when upgrading your armor.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Armor (Continued)

Using armor effectively can make the difference between life and death in PUBG.

Using armor effectively can make the difference between life and death in PUBG.

Pros and Cons of Each Type of Armor

Each type of armor has its pros and cons, making it essential to consider them before choosing which armor to upgrade to.

Level 1 Armor


  • Lightweight and easy to move around in
  • Easy to obtain and replace
  • Better than no armor at all


  • Provides minimal protection against enemy fire
  • Vulnerable to high-powered weapons

Level 2 Armor


  • Provides moderate protection against enemy fire
  • Relatively easy to find
  • Lightweight and easy to move around in


  • Vulnerable to high-powered weapons, including sniper rifles and assault rifles
  • Requires repair after multiple hits

Level 3 Armor


  • Provides maximum protection against enemy fire
  • Can withstand multiple hits from high-powered weapons, including sniper rifles and assault rifles
  • Ideal for players who want to survive longer


  • Rare and challenging to find
  • Heavy and can impact movement and agility

Understanding the pros and cons of each type of armor can help you choose the right armor for your playstyle and location. Always consider these factors before upgrading your armor.

Tips for Upgrading Armor

Upgrading your armor is essential to surviving longer in PUBG. Here are some tips to help you upgrade your armor effectively:

Repairing Damaged Armor

Over time, your armor will take damage from enemy fire, impact, and other sources. Repairing your armor is essential to ensure it continues to provide protection. To repair your armor, you will need to use a repair kit, which can be found throughout the game.

To repair your armor, follow these steps:

  1. Open your inventory and locate the repair kit.
  2. Drag the repair kit onto your armor.
  3. The repair kit will restore a portion of your armor’s durability.

Finding and Acquiring Better Armor

Finding and acquiring better armor is critical to surviving longer in PUBG. Here are some tips to help you find and acquire better armor:

  1. Check buildings – Armor is often found in buildings, so be sure to check them thoroughly.
  2. Check airdrops – Level 3 armor is typically only found in airdrops, so keep an eye out for them.
  3. Kill enemies – Killing enemies can sometimes yield better armor.
  4. Use the map – The map can show you where to find certain types of armor, so use it to your advantage.

By following these tips, you can upgrade your armor effectively and increase your chances of survival in PUBG.

Advanced Armor Strategies

Upgrading your armor is not enough to ensure your survival in PUBG. You also need to use your armor effectively in different situations to maximize its protection.

Using Armor Effectively in Different Situations

To use your armor effectively, you need to understand the different situations you may face in PUBG. For example, if you are engaging in close combat, you may want to crouch to make it harder for your enemy to hit you. If you are engaging in long-range combat, you may want to prone to make yourself a smaller target.

You should also consider the terrain you are in when using your armor. If you are in an open field, you may want to use your armor to block enemy fire while you move to cover. If you are in a building, you may want to use your armor to protect yourself from grenades and other explosive weapons.

Maximizing Protection with Other Items

In addition to using your armor effectively, you can also maximize your protection by combining it with other items. For example, you can use a helmet to protect your head or a backpack to carry additional items such as first aid kits.

You can also use consumables such as painkillers or energy drinks to increase your health and make it easier to survive enemy fire. These items can be used in combination with your armor to provide maximum protection.


Upgrading your armor is a critical component of survival in PUBG. It provides essential protection against enemy fire and can increase your chances of staying alive longer. By understanding the different types of armor available in PUBG, factors to consider when choosing armor, and advanced armor strategies, you can upgrade your armor effectively and improve your chances of survival.

In conclusion, upgrading your armor is a must for any PUBG player who wants to improve their gameplay and stay alive longer. Remember to choose the right armor based on your location and playstyle, use your armor effectively in different situations, and combine it with other items to maximize protection. With these tips, you can become a master of armor in PUBG and dominate the game like a pro.