Top 5 Best PubG Vehicles to Get You to the Safe Zone Quickly

By | May 6, 2023

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) is a popular online multiplayer battle royale game. In this game, players are dropped onto an island with only one goal: to be the last one standing. To achieve this, players must find weapons and equipment, and most importantly, get to the safe zone before the deadly blue zone catches up with them.

One of the best ways to get to the safe zone quickly is by using vehicles. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 best PUBG vehicles to get you to the safe zone quickly. So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, read on to find out which vehicles you should be looking out for.


The UAZ is a reliable vehicle that can provide good cover while moving towards the safe zone.

The UAZ is a reliable vehicle that can provide good cover while moving towards the safe zone.

The Buggy is a lightweight, open-top vehicle that seats two players. It is one of the fastest vehicles in the game, making it an excellent choice for getting to the safe zone quickly. The Buggy is also very maneuverable, allowing players to easily weave in and out of obstacles.

One of the main advantages of the Buggy is its speed. It can reach a top speed of 120 km/h, making it the fastest land vehicle in the game. However, the Buggy’s lightweight design also means that it can be easily destroyed by enemy fire.

To use the Buggy effectively, players should take advantage of its speed and maneuverability. Use the Buggy to quickly move from one location to another and avoid open areas where enemy fire can easily destroy it. Additionally, players should always keep an eye on the fuel gauge as the Buggy consumes fuel quickly.


The Motorcycle is a fast vehicle that can help players quickly move towards the safe zone.

The Motorcycle is a fast vehicle that can help players quickly move towards the safe zone.

The Motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle that seats two players. It is a fast and agile vehicle that is perfect for navigating through rough terrain. The Motorcycle is also able to perform stunts, such as wheelies and jumps, which can be used to evade enemy fire.

One of the main advantages of the Motorcycle is its speed and agility. It can reach a top speed of 152 km/h, making it the fastest land vehicle in the game. The Motorcycle is also able to navigate through narrow pathways and rough terrain, which can be helpful when trying to avoid enemy fire.

However, the Motorcycle has some disadvantages as well. Its two-wheeled design makes it less stable than other vehicles, and it can be easily knocked over by enemy fire. Additionally, the Motorcycle can only seat two players, which can be a disadvantage when playing in a squad.

To use the Motorcycle effectively, players should take advantage of its speed and agility. Use the Motorcycle to quickly move through rough terrain and narrow pathways, and perform stunts to evade enemy fire. However, players should also be aware of the Motorcycle’s instability and avoid using it in open areas where it can be easily knocked over.


The Dacia is a balanced vehicle that can provide both speed and protection to players.

The Dacia is a balanced vehicle that can provide both speed and protection to players.

The UAZ is a four-wheeled vehicle that seats up to four players. It is a versatile vehicle that is capable of navigating through various types of terrain, including water. The UAZ is also able to withstand a significant amount of enemy fire, making it a good choice for transporting a squad.

One of the main advantages of the UAZ is its versatility. It can navigate through various types of terrain, including water, making it a good choice for getting to the safe zone quickly. The UAZ is also able to withstand a significant amount of enemy fire, making it a good choice for transporting a squad.

However, the UAZ is not as fast as some of the other vehicles in the game. It has a top speed of 104 km/h, which is slower than the Buggy and the Motorcycle. Additionally, the UAZ’s size can make it difficult to maneuver in tight spaces.

To use the UAZ effectively, players should take advantage of its versatility and durability. Use the UAZ to transport a squad and navigate through various types of terrain. However, players should also be aware of the UAZ’s slower speed and size, and avoid using it in tight spaces where it can be difficult to maneuver.


The Dacia is a four-door sedan that seats up to four players. It is a versatile vehicle that can be used for both transportation and combat. The Dacia has good speed and acceleration, making it a reliable choice for getting to the safe zone quickly.

One of the main advantages of the Dacia is its durability. It can withstand more damage than other vehicles in its class, making it an excellent choice for players who want a vehicle that can take a beating. However, the Dacia’s size and weight can also make it a target for enemy fire.

To use the Dacia effectively, players should take advantage of its durability and use it as cover during combat. Additionally, players should be aware of the Dacia’s size and avoid areas where it may get stuck or become an easy target for enemy fire.


The Mirado is a two-door muscle car that seats up to four players. It is one of the fastest vehicles in the game and has excellent handling, making it an excellent choice for getting to the safe zone quickly. The Mirado also has a unique design that makes it stand out from other vehicles in the game.

One of the main advantages of the Mirado is its speed. It can reach a top speed of 152 km/h, making it one of the fastest vehicles in the game. The Mirado’s handling is also excellent, allowing players to easily navigate through tight spaces and avoid obstacles. However, the Mirado’s size and weight can also make it a target for enemy fire.

To use the Mirado effectively, players should take advantage of its speed and handling. Use the Mirado to quickly move from one location to another and avoid open areas where enemy fire can easily destroy it. Additionally, players should be aware of the Mirado’s size and avoid areas where it may get stuck or become an easy target for enemy fire.


Vehicles are an essential part of the game in PUBG, especially when it comes to getting to the safe zone quickly. In this article, we have discussed the top 5 best PUBG vehicles for getting to the safe zone quickly. These vehicles are the Buggy, Motorcycle, UAZ, Dacia, and Mirado.

Each vehicle has its advantages and disadvantages, and players should choose the vehicle that best suits their playstyle. Whether you’re looking for speed, durability, or handling, there is a vehicle out there for you.

So, next time you’re playing PUBG, keep an eye out for these vehicles, and remember that getting to the safe zone quickly can be the difference between life and death. Happy driving! is always here to provide you with the latest tips and tricks to help you improve your PUBG gameplay. Stay tuned for more articles like this one!