The Best PubG Armor Loadout: Protect Yourself and Dominate Your Opponents

By | May 6, 2023

If you’re a fan of PubG, you know that survival is the name of the game. One of the most critical factors in surviving and winning is having the right armor loadout. In this article, we’ll discuss the best PubG armor loadout to protect yourself and dominate your opponents.

Types of Armor in PubG

Choose the right armor type for your gameplay style and increase your chances of survival in PubG.

Choose the right armor type for your gameplay style and increase your chances of survival in PubG.

In PubG, there are three types of armor: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Each type of armor provides a different amount of protection against bullets and other types of damage.

Level 1 Armor

Level 1 armor is the most basic type of armor that you can find in PubG. It provides the least amount of protection and can only withstand a few shots before breaking. Level 1 armor consists of a helmet and a vest.

The helmet provides protection to your head and face, reducing the damage you take from headshots. The vest protects your torso, reducing the damage you take from bullets and other types of damage.

Level 2 Armor

Level 2 armor is an upgrade from Level 1 armor. It provides more protection than Level 1 armor and can withstand more shots before breaking. Like Level 1 armor, Level 2 armor consists of a helmet and a vest.

The helmet provides the same level of protection as Level 1 armor, but the vest provides more protection to your torso. Level 2 armor is more common than Level 1 armor and can be found in most locations throughout the game.

Level 3 Armor

Level 3 armor is the most advanced type of armor in PubG. It provides the most protection and can withstand the most shots before breaking. Level 3 armor consists of a helmet, vest, and backpack.

The helmet provides the same level of protection as Level 1 and Level 2 armor, but the vest provides significantly more protection to your torso. The backpack provides additional storage space for items and weapons.

Level 3 armor is the rarest type of armor in PubG and can only be found in a few select locations throughout the game. However, it provides the most significant advantage in terms of protection and can significantly increase your chances of survival.

Choosing the Best Armor Loadout

Equip your armor with the right accessories and gain an advantage over your opponents in PubG.

Equip your armor with the right accessories and gain an advantage over your opponents in PubG.

Now that we know the different types of armor in PubG, how do we choose the best armor loadout? Here are some factors to consider:

Game Mode

Different game modes in PubG require different armor loadouts. For example, in Solo mode, you’ll want to prioritize survival and choose the best armor available. In Squad mode, you might want to choose armor that complements your teammates’ loadouts.


Your playstyle also affects your armor loadout. If you’re an aggressive player who likes to rush into battle, you might want to prioritize Level 3 armor for maximum protection. If you’re a more cautious player who prefers to stay hidden, Level 2 armor might be a better choice.


The location where you drop into the game also affects your armor loadout. If you’re dropping into a hot zone with lots of other players, you’ll want to prioritize finding armor quickly to protect yourself. If you’re dropping into a quieter area, you might have more time to search for the best armor.

Based on these factors, here are some recommended armor loadouts for different gameplay styles:

  • Aggressive Playstyle: Level 3 armor, helmet, and backpack
  • Cautious Playstyle: Level 2 armor, helmet, and backpack
  • Squad Mode: Mix of Level 2 and Level 3 armor to complement your teammates’ loadouts
  • Solo Mode: Level 3 armor, helmet, and backpack for maximum protection

Accessories to Enhance Armor Loadout

Learn how to use your armor effectively and avoid common mistakes to increase your chances of winning in PubG.

Learn how to use your armor effectively and avoid common mistakes to increase your chances of winning in PubG.

Accessories can enhance your armor loadout and give you an advantage in battle. Here are some accessories to consider:


Attachments can be added to your helmet and vest to improve their functionality. For example, a muzzle attachment on your helmet can reduce the recoil of your weapon, and a bullet loops attachment on your vest can allow you to reload faster.


A backpack allows you to carry more items and weapons, giving you more options in battle. It also increases your inventory space, allowing you to carry more ammunition, first aid kits, and other important items.

Boost Items

Boost items like painkillers and energy drinks can increase your health and provide a temporary boost to your speed and stamina. These items can be used in combination with your armor loadout to give you an edge in battle.

In conclusion, the best PubG armor loadout depends on several factors, including game mode, playstyle, and location. By considering these factors and choosing the right accessories, you can protect yourself and dominate your opponents in any situation.

Strategies for Effective Armor Usage

Now that you know about the different types of armor in PubG, it’s time to learn how to use them effectively. Here are some tips on using your armor to your advantage during gameplay:

  1. Always prioritize finding and equipping the best armor you can find. The higher the level of your armor, the more protection you’ll have against incoming damage.

  2. Keep your armor in good condition by repairing it whenever possible. Damaged armor will provide less protection, making you more vulnerable to enemy fire.

  3. Use cover to your advantage and avoid exposing yourself to enemy fire. Your armor won’t protect you if you’re standing out in the open, so use walls, trees, and other objects to shield yourself from incoming bullets.

  4. Know when to engage and when to avoid fights. If you’re facing an opponent with superior armor, it’s usually better to avoid a direct confrontation and look for a better opportunity to strike.

  5. Be mindful of your movement speed when wearing armor. Heavy armor can slow you down, making you an easier target for enemies.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Using Armor

While using armor can provide significant advantages, there are also common mistakes that players make when using their armor. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Not repairing your armor when it’s damaged. Damaged armor provides less protection, making you more vulnerable to enemy fire.

  2. Wearing damaged armor instead of replacing it with a higher level of armor. It’s always better to have higher-level armor, even if it’s slightly damaged, than to wear damaged armor that provides less protection.

  3. Engaging in unnecessary fights when you have weaker armor. If you’re facing an opponent with superior armor, it’s usually better to avoid a direct confrontation and look for a better opportunity to strike.

  4. Ignoring the effects of armor on movement speed. Heavy armor can slow you down, making you an easier target for enemies. Be mindful of your movement speed when wearing armor.


In conclusion, having the right armor loadout is critical to surviving and winning in PubG. Knowing the different types of armor and how to use them effectively can significantly increase your chances of success. Always prioritize finding the best armor you can and keep it in good condition by repairing it whenever possible. Avoid common mistakes like engaging in unnecessary fights and wearing damaged armor. With the right armor loadout and effective usage, you can protect yourself and dominate your opponents in PubG. Remember, selecting the best armor loadout is crucial for your survival in PubG, and is always here to help you with the latest and most accurate information.