PUBG Ranked Mode: How to Climb the Ranks and Become a Pro

By | May 6, 2023

If you’re an avid PUBG player, you’ve probably heard of the Ranked Mode. This competitive game mode is designed to test your skills and challenge you to climb the ranks. The higher your rank, the more skilled you are, and the more respect you’ll earn from your peers.

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into how to climb the ranks and become a pro in PUBG Ranked Mode. We’ll cover everything from understanding the ranking system to in-game strategies, teamwork, and communication. So, let’s get started.

Understanding the Ranking System

Effective communication and teamwork are key to success in PUBG Ranked Mode. Teams must coordinate their movements and plan their attacks carefully.

Effective communication and teamwork are key to success in PUBG Ranked Mode. Teams must coordinate their movements and plan their attacks carefully.

The PUBG Ranked Mode uses a ranking system that consists of six tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Master. Each tier has five divisions, and to climb up the ranks, you need to earn ranking points (RP). The more RP you earn, the higher your rank will be.

Several factors affect your RP, including your placement, the number of kills you get, and your survival time. The better you perform in a match, the more RP you’ll earn. However, keep in mind that the ranking system is not solely based on your individual performance. Your team’s performance also affects your RP.

To check your current rank, go to the Ranked Mode section and select the ‘My Rank’ tab. You’ll see your current tier, division, and RP. You can also see your match history and the RP you earned in each match. Understanding the ranking system is a crucial first step in climbing the ranks and becoming a pro player.

Preparing for Ranked Matches

Gunfights are intense in PUBG Ranked Mode, and players must be skilled in both aiming and movement to come out on top.

Gunfights are intense in PUBG Ranked Mode, and players must be skilled in both aiming and movement to come out on top.

Preparation is key to success in PUBG Ranked Mode. Before you jump into a match, make sure you have the right loadout and strategies in place. Here are some tips to help you prepare for ranked matches:

  • Ideal loadout for ranked matches – In ranked matches, you need to have the right gear to survive and win. Ideally, you should have a primary weapon, a secondary weapon, a backpack, a helmet, and body armor. Choose your weapons based on your playstyle, and make sure you have enough ammo and attachments.

  • Strategies for early game survival – The early game is crucial in ranked matches. You need to survive and loot as fast as possible to get the right gear. Land in a high loot area, but avoid crowded areas to reduce the risk of getting killed early on. Once you have enough gear, move towards the center of the circle and start planning your next move.

In-Game Strategies

Checking your rank regularly is important in PUBG Ranked Mode, as it allows you to track your progress and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Checking your rank regularly is important in PUBG Ranked Mode, as it allows you to track your progress and adjust your strategies accordingly.

In-game strategies play a significant role in climbing the ranks in PUBG Ranked Mode. Here are some essential strategies to help you perform better in matches:

  • Importance of positioning – Positioning is crucial in PUBG Ranked Mode. You need to be aware of your surroundings and choose the right spot to take cover. Avoid open areas and move towards buildings or high ground. Always keep an eye on the circle, and make sure you’re inside it.

  • Effective looting techniques – Looting is an essential part of PUBG Ranked Mode. You need to loot as fast as possible to get the right gear. Always prioritize weapons, ammo, and attachments. Avoid looting unnecessary items like melee weapons or throwables, as they take up valuable inventory space.

  • How to engage in gunfights – Gunfights are inevitable in PUBG Ranked Mode. To win a gunfight, you need to be accurate and quick. Always aim for the head, and use cover to your advantage. Don’t engage in a fight if you’re not confident, and always try to flank your opponents.

Teamwork and Communication

In PUBG Ranked Mode, teamwork and communication are essential to success. You need to work together with your teammates to achieve your goals and climb the ranks. Here are some tips to improve your teamwork and communication skills:

  1. Use a microphone: Communication is key in PUBG, and using a microphone is the best way to communicate with your team. Make sure your microphone is working correctly and use it to call out enemy locations, coordinate movements, and share important information.

  2. Assign roles: Assigning roles to each team member can help improve teamwork and coordination. For example, one player can be in charge of scouting, while another can be in charge of sniping. Make sure everyone understands their role and works together to achieve your goals.

  3. Stick together: Sticking together is crucial in PUBG Ranked Mode. You need to move as a team and avoid getting separated. This will help you avoid getting picked off by enemy players and increase your chances of survival.

Tips for Climbing the Ranks

Climbing the ranks in PUBG Ranked Mode takes time and effort, but with the right strategies, you can improve your gameplay and rank up quickly. Here are some tips to help you climb the ranks:

  1. Practice, practice, practice: Practice is essential in improving your gameplay skills. Play regularly and focus on improving your weaknesses. For example, if you struggle with close-range combat, focus on improving your aim and movement in close-range fights.

  2. Learn from your mistakes: Analyze your gameplay and learn from your mistakes. Watch replays of your matches and identify areas where you could have done better. Use this information to improve your gameplay and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

  3. Stay calm under pressure: PUBG Ranked Mode can be stressful, but it’s essential to stay calm under pressure. Take deep breaths, focus on your gameplay, and make smart decisions. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you, as this can negatively affect your gameplay.

In conclusion, improving your gameplay, teamwork, and communication skills are crucial to climbing the ranks and becoming a pro player in PUBG Ranked Mode. With these tips and strategies, you can improve your gameplay and rank up quickly. Remember to practice regularly, learn from your mistakes, and stay calm under pressure. With time and effort, you can achieve your goals and become a pro player in PUBG Ranked Mode.