Is PUBG Cross-Platform? The Best Answer and How to Play

By | April 11, 2023

Cross-platform gameplay has gained popularity as online gaming has become more popular. Players desire the ability to play with their friends and family on various platforms and devices. PUBG is one game that has gained popularity among players all around the world. Since its debut in 2017, this well-liked online multiplayer battle royale game has amassed a sizable following. But the question remains, is PUBG cross-platform? In this blog, we’ll explore the answer to that question and how you can play the game.

Is PUBG Cross-Platform?

A well-liked multiplayer battle royale game created by PUBG Corporation is called “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds” or “PUBG.” In a variety of game types, such as solo, pair, and squad matches, it enables participants to engage in online combat. Whether PUBG is cross-platform is one of the most often asked queries by players. According on the game’s platform and version, the answer to this question can be either “yes” or “no.”

The ability to play the same game with other players, regardless of the platform or device they are using, is known as cross-platform play. When it comes to PUBG, some platforms and game variants allow for cross-platform play while others do not. Let’s examine which PUBG versions and platforms support cross-platform play and which do not.

Platforms that support Cross-Platform Play in PUBG:

Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S: The Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S versions of PUBG support cross-platform play. Players on these platforms can play with each other, as well as with players on other platforms that support cross-platform play.

PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5: The PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions of PUBG also support cross-platform play. Players on these platforms can play with each other and with players on other platforms that support cross-platform play.

Versions that support Cross-Platform Play in PUBG:

PUBG Mobile: The mobile version of PUBG, available on iOS and Android, supports cross-platform play. Players on these platforms can play with each other and with players on other platforms that support cross-platform play.

PUBG PC: The PC version of PUBG also supports cross-platform play between Steam and Stadia. Players on these platforms can play with each other, as well as with players on other platforms that support cross-platform play.

Platforms and Versions that do not support Cross-Platform Play in PUBG:

PUBG on PS Now: The PlayStation Now version of PUBG does not support cross-platform play. Players on this platform cannot play with players on other platforms that support cross-platform play.

PUBG on Google Stadia: The Google Stadia version of PUBG does not support cross-platform play with other platforms that support cross-platform play.

To sum up, depending on the platform and game version, PUBG is both cross-platform and not. Players can play with players on other platforms that permit cross-platform play as well as with players on Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and mobile. However, PS Now and Google Stadia users are unable to play with users of other systems that permit cross-platform play.

PUBG Cross-Platform

In conclusion, PUBG offers cross-platform play on some platforms and versions of the game, allowing players to enjoy the game with friends on different devices. It’s important to check which platforms and versions support cross-platform play to ensure a seamless gaming experience. For an easy reference, here’s a summary table:

Platform/Version Cross-Platform Play Support
Xbox One/Series X/S Yes
PlayStation 4/5 Yes
PC (Steam/Stadia) Yes
Mobile (iOS/Android) Yes
PS Now No
Google Stadia No

How to Play PUBG Cross-Platform

Playing PUBG cross-platform can be a great way to enjoy the game with friends who might have different devices or platforms than you. Here’s how to do it:

1. Make sure your version of PUBG supports cross-platform play

Not all versions of PUBG support cross-platform play, so check if your platform or device allows it. As of 2023, cross-platform play is supported on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Stadia, but not on mobile.

2. Create or link your account to a PUBG ID

If you haven’t already, create a PUBG ID account or link an existing account to your platform or device. This is necessary to play cross-platform and to keep your progress and settings synced across devices.

3. Find or add your friends

You can play with friends on different devices or platforms by adding them as friends on your PUBG ID account. You can also join a cross-platform party or game lobby, but make sure everyone is on the same game version and platform.

4. Set up your preferences and controls

Depending on your device or platform, you may need to adjust your graphics, audio, or control settings to optimize your cross-platform gameplay experience. Take some time to explore and customize your preferences before jumping into a game.

5. Join a cross-platform game mode or lobby

Once you and your friends are connected and ready, you can join a cross-platform game mode or lobby. This can be done from the main menu, by selecting the appropriate game mode or playlist, and then choosing to play cross-platform. You can also use the quick join feature to jump into a game with other players who are also playing cross-platform.

6. Enjoy the game!

Playing PUBG cross-platform can be a fun and challenging experience, as you may encounter different play styles and strategies from players on other devices or platforms. Take advantage of the wider player pool and have fun!

By following these steps, you can play PUBG cross-platform with your friends on different devices and platforms, and enjoy the game in a whole new way.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-Platform Play

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-Platform Play


  1. Expanded social gaming experience: Cross-platform play can break down social barricades and allow players to play with friends regardless of their gaming platform.
  2. Increased player base: With cross-platform play, players can be matched with a larger pool of players, which can improve matchmaking times and overall game experience.
  3. Enhanced game longevity: Cross-platform play can extend the lifespan of games by creating a larger player base and increasing game engagement.


  1. Technical limitations: Cross-platform play requires technical compatibility between platforms, which can be challenging to achieve, especially with different hardware configurations, operating systems, and software versions.
  2. Competitive issues: Cross-platform play can result in unfair competition because different platforms may have varying performance capabilities or input methods. This can lead to an imbalanced game experience, affecting the gameplay of those using inferior or older technology.
  3. Industry pushback: Cross-platform play may not be supported by some game developers and console makers as it may affect their profits or disrupt the competitive market, leading to industry pushback.


So, Is PUBG cross-platform?

In conclusion, PUBG is cross-platform and allows players to play with others on different devices. Whether you are playing on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, or mobile, you can join a match with friends on any other platform. The process of cross-platform play is not complicated, and requires players to have the same version of the game and be connected to the same server region. With cross-platform play, PUBG offers a more diverse and inclusive gaming environment, allowing players to connect and play with friends regardless of the device they are using.

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