Is Metro Royale Still in PUBG?

By | May 6, 2023


A player searching for the Metro Royale mode in PUBG, wondering if it's still available.

A player searching for the Metro Royale mode in PUBG, wondering if it’s still available.

PUBG is one of the most popular battle royale games worldwide, and with its ever-evolving gameplay, it has managed to keep its player base engaged. One of the most popular modes introduced to the game was Metro Royale, which took players through the underground tunnels of a post-apocalyptic world. However, it has been a while since Metro Royale was first introduced to the game, and players are wondering if it is still available. In this article, we will explore the history of Metro Royale, its current status in PUBG, and what the future holds.

The History of Metro Royale in PUBG

Players discussing the Metro Royale mode in PUBG, sharing their opinions and experiences.

Players discussing the Metro Royale mode in PUBG, sharing their opinions and experiences.

Metro Royale was first introduced to PUBG in November 2020 as a new game mode that took players to the underground tunnels of a post-apocalyptic world. The mode was unique in that it was a mix of both PvE and PvP gameplay, where players had to fight against AI enemies while also competing against other players to secure resources. The mode was received positively by the player base and quickly became a fan favorite.

Metro Royale was divided into two maps, each with its own unique gameplay mechanics and challenges. The first map, “Old Erangel,” was a revamped version of the original Erangel map, which took players through underground tunnels filled with loot and enemies. The second map, “Metro Exodus,” was an entirely new map that introduced new enemies and weapons to the game.

That being said, Metro Royale was an event mode, meaning that it was only available for a limited time. Players could only access the mode during specific dates, and once the event was over, it was removed from the game. However, PUBG developers have brought back Metro Royale multiple times due to its popularity among the player base.

Current Status of Metro Royale in PUBG

A PUBG player disappointed to find out that the Metro Royale mode is no longer available.

A PUBG player disappointed to find out that the Metro Royale mode is no longer available.

As of now, Metro Royale is not available in PUBG. The developers have not announced any plans to bring back the mode, leaving players wondering if they will ever get to play it again. It is uncertain whether the mode will make a return to the game, but PUBG developers have a history of bringing back popular modes and maps.

Many players are disappointed that Metro Royale is not currently available, as it offered a unique gameplay experience that was different from the standard battle royale mode. However, some players believe that the mode had its flaws and needed some improvements.

While Metro Royale is not currently available, there are still plenty of other modes and maps to enjoy in PUBG. Players can still enjoy the classic battle royale mode, as well as other event modes that have been introduced to the game. In the next section, we will explore how players reacted to Metro Royale when it was available in the game.

Current Status of Metro Royale in PUBG

PUBG developers have not given any updates on the status of Metro Royale, leaving players unsure if it will ever return to the game. However, some players speculate that the mode may have been removed due to technical issues or to make room for new content. It is also possible that the developers are working on improvements to the mode before bringing it back.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding Metro Royale, many players are still hopeful that the mode will make a comeback. It was a unique experience that offered a different type of gameplay from the standard battle royale mode, and many players enjoyed the challenge of fighting against both AI enemies and other players.

Player Reactions to Metro Royale

When Metro Royale was available, players had mixed reactions to the mode. Some players enjoyed the unique gameplay and challenges that the mode offered, while others found it frustrating and difficult to navigate.

Positive feedback on Metro Royale included the mode’s unique PvE and PvP gameplay, the new weapons, and the revamped maps. Players enjoyed the new challenges presented by the AI enemies and the different strategies required to succeed in the mode. The mode also offered more opportunities for players to collaborate with their team members, as they had to work together to fight against the AI enemies and secure resources.

On the other hand, negative feedback on Metro Royale included issues with the mode’s balance and the difficulty of obtaining resources. Some players found it frustrating that the mode heavily favored players who were able to secure resources early on in the game, making it difficult for players who fell behind to catch up. Others also found the AI enemies to be too difficult to defeat, which led to frustration and a sense of unfairness.

Despite the mixed reactions, Metro Royale was a popular mode that offered a unique experience to the PUBG community. It remains to be seen if the mode will make a comeback in the future, but many players are still hopeful for its return.

Future Plans for Metro Royale in PUBG

As of now, PUBG developers have not made any announcements or plans for the future of Metro Royale. While it is uncertain whether the mode will make a return to the game, many players are hopeful that it will. PUBG developers have a history of bringing back popular modes and maps, and Metro Royale was undoubtedly one of the most popular modes introduced to the game.

In addition, some players have speculated that the mode may return in the future with new improvements and additions. The mode had its flaws, and some players felt that it needed more content and better balancing. PUBG developers may take this feedback into account and make changes to the mode if it does make a return.


In conclusion, Metro Royale was a popular mode introduced to PUBG in November 2020. It was a unique mix of PvE and PvP gameplay that took players through the underground tunnels of a post-apocalyptic world. However, the mode was only available for a limited time and has not made a return to the game as of now.

While many players are disappointed that Metro Royale is not currently available, there are still plenty of other modes and maps to enjoy in PUBG. The game continues to evolve, and PUBG developers have a history of bringing back popular modes and maps. As for the future of Metro Royale, it is uncertain whether the mode will make a return to the game, but players remain hopeful.

In conclusion, Metro Royale was a unique and exciting addition to PUBG that offered players a different type of gameplay experience. While it may not be available now, it remains one of the most popular modes introduced to the game, and players are eagerly awaiting its return. As a fan of PUBG, be sure to keep an eye out for any future announcements regarding the mode’s return. And for more PUBG-related content, be sure to check out, where you can find the latest news and updates on all things PUBG.