How to Use Flare Gun in PUBG

By | May 6, 2023

Are you tired of being caught off-guard in PUBG? Have you ever found yourself in dire need of a care package but couldn’t find one? If so, a flare gun might be the solution to your problems. Flare guns are a highly sought-after item in PUBG that can provide players with much-needed supplies or even summon a vehicle. However, knowing how to use them effectively can be the difference between winning and losing. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to use a flare gun in PUBG.

Understanding the Flare Gun

Using a flare gun can attract valuable airdrops in PUBG

Using a flare gun can attract valuable airdrops in PUBG

A flare gun is a rare and powerful weapon in PUBG that has the ability to call in an airdrop or a BRDM-2, which is a watercraft that can travel on both land and sea. The flare gun is a pistol that can be found in both world loot and in care packages. There are two types of flare guns in PUBG; the standard flare gun and the red flare gun. The standard flare gun is used to call in a care package, while the red flare gun is used to call in a BRDM-2.

When fired, the flare gun shoots a bright red flare into the sky that can be seen from a distance. This flare signals the location of the drop or BRDM-2 to all players in the game, so it’s important to use it wisely. Knowing when and where to use a flare gun can make all the difference in your survival in PUBG.

How to Find a Flare Gun

Aiming a flare gun correctly can make all the difference in PUBG

Aiming a flare gun correctly can make all the difference in PUBG

Flare guns are a rare item in PUBG, so finding one can be a challenge. However, there are a few tips that can help you increase your chances of finding a flare gun. Firstly, keep an eye out for care packages, as they have a higher chance of containing a flare gun. Secondly, check high-risk areas such as military bases and airfields, as these locations are known to have a higher spawn rate for flare guns. Thirdly, try looting in the later stages of the game when fewer players remain, as this will reduce the competition for finding a flare gun.

How to Use a Flare Gun

Celebrating a successful flare gun usage in PUBG adds to the excitement of the game

Celebrating a successful flare gun usage in PUBG adds to the excitement of the game

Using a flare gun in PUBG is a relatively straightforward process, but it’s important to use it at the right time and in the right place. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a flare gun in PUBG:

  1. Equip the flare gun from your inventory.
  2. Position yourself in an open area with a clear view of the sky.
  3. Fire the flare gun by aiming and firing like a regular pistol.
  4. Wait for the flare to signal the drop or BRDM-2 location.
  5. Approach the drop or BRDM-2 with caution, as other players may also be attracted to the location.

It’s important to note that the flare gun is loud and can attract unwanted attention, so it’s best to use it when you’re in a safe location. Additionally, it’s best to use the flare gun when you’re in need of supplies or transportation, rather than just for the sake of using it. Using a flare gun at the right time can be a game-changer in PUBG, so use it wisely.

Strategies for Using Flare Guns

Knowing how to use a flare gun in PUBG is essential, but it’s also important to have a strategy in place. Here are some different strategies for using flare guns in PUBG:

Defensive Strategy

If you’re in a tight spot and need some quick supplies to survive, calling in a care package can be a lifesaver. However, be aware that calling in a care package can also attract other players to your location. To minimize the risk of getting caught in a crossfire, find a defensive position before firing the flare gun. This will give you time to prepare for any potential threats while waiting for the care package to arrive.

Offensive Strategy

Flare guns can also be used to lure other players into a trap. If you’re in a high-risk area, firing a flare gun can attract other players to your location, giving you the opportunity to ambush them. This strategy can be risky, so make sure you have a solid plan in place before attempting it.

Transportation Strategy

If you’re struggling to find a vehicle, firing a red flare gun can summon a BRDM-2. This watercraft can be used to travel on both land and sea, making it a valuable asset in PUBG. However, keep in mind that other players can see the flare and will likely be attracted to your location, so be prepared for a potential firefight.


In conclusion, knowing how to use a flare gun in PUBG is a crucial skill that can make the difference between winning and losing. By understanding the different types of flare guns and their uses, as well as developing a solid strategy, you can maximize the value of this powerful weapon. Always remember to use flare guns wisely, as they can attract unwanted attention from other players. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of using flare guns in PUBG. Don’t forget to practice and hone your skills, and visit for more tips and tricks on improving your gameplay.