How to Drop Tactical Pack PUBG: A Step-by-Step Guide

By | May 6, 2023


It's important to assess your inventory before dropping the tactical pack in PUBG

It’s important to assess your inventory before dropping the tactical pack in PUBG

In PUBG, the tactical pack is an essential item for survival. It allows players to carry extra ammunition, first aid kits, and other supplies that are necessary to stay alive in the game. However, there are times when dropping the tactical pack can be advantageous. Dropping the pack can make the player more mobile, allowing them to move faster and take cover more quickly. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to drop the tactical pack in PUBG.

Understanding the Tactical Pack

Vehicles can be useful for quickly dropping the tactical pack and grabbing supplies in PUBG

Vehicles can be useful for quickly dropping the tactical pack and grabbing supplies in PUBG

The tactical pack is a backpack that players can find in the game. It has a capacity of up to 200 units and can hold a variety of items, including ammunition, medical supplies, and grenades. The tactical pack is a valuable item in PUBG, as it allows players to carry more items and have a better chance of survival. However, it also has some disadvantages. Carrying a tactical pack makes the player more visible and slower, which can make them an easier target for enemies.

To use the tactical pack, players need to equip it by pressing the “Tab” key and dragging the items they want to carry into it. The tactical pack can be upgraded by finding and attaching additional pouches to it, increasing its capacity.

Identifying the Right Time to Drop the Tactical Pack

Smoke grenades can provide cover for dropping the tactical pack in PUBG

Smoke grenades can provide cover for dropping the tactical pack in PUBG

Dropping the tactical pack can be a strategic move in PUBG, but it should not be done without careful consideration. There are several factors to consider before dropping the pack, including the player’s current situation, the terrain they are in, and the number of enemies nearby.

One sign that it may be time to drop the tactical pack is if the player needs to move quickly. The tactical pack can slow down the player’s movement speed, making it difficult to navigate through the game’s terrain. If the player needs to move quickly to avoid danger or reach a specific location, dropping the pack can be helpful.

Another sign that it may be time to drop the tactical pack is if the player is in a firefight. Carrying a large backpack can make the player a bigger target, and it can be difficult to take cover quickly. Dropping the pack can make the player more mobile, allowing them to move faster and take cover more quickly.

In the next section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to drop the tactical pack in PUBG.

Identifying the Right Time to Drop the Tactical Pack

Before dropping the tactical pack, players should consider several factors to determine if it is the right time to do so. One crucial factor is the location of the player. Dropping the pack in an open area or in the middle of a firefight can be dangerous, as it can leave the player vulnerable to enemy fire. It is essential to find a safe spot to drop the pack, such as inside a building or behind cover.

Another factor to consider is the player’s inventory. If the player has already collected a significant number of supplies, dropping the tactical pack may not be necessary. However, if the player is low on space in their inventory, dropping the pack can free up space for additional items.

Lastly, the player should consider their strategy. If the player is planning to engage in close combat or needs to move quickly, dropping the pack can be beneficial. However, if the player is planning to stay in one location and defend it, keeping the pack may be more advantageous.

How to Drop the Tactical Pack in PUBG

Dropping the tactical pack in PUBG is a straightforward process. To do so, players need to follow these steps:

  1. Press the “Tab” key to open the inventory.
  2. Locate the tactical pack in the inventory and right-click on it.
  3. Select “Drop” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Move the character to a safe location and drop the pack by left-clicking.

It is essential to note that dropping the pack will scatter the items inside it on the ground. Players should collect the items they want to keep and leave the rest behind.

Tips and Tricks to Ensure a Successful Drop

To ensure a successful drop, players should follow these tips and tricks:

  1. Find a safe spot to drop the pack, such as inside a building or behind cover.
  2. Make sure the inventory is organized before dropping the pack to avoid losing important items.
  3. Drop the pack when the area is clear of enemies or during a lull in the firefight.
  4. Communicate with teammates to coordinate the drop and avoid confusion.
  5. Be prepared to defend the dropped items from enemies who may try to steal them.

By following these tips and tricks, players can successfully drop the tactical pack and gain an advantage in the game.

Strategies for Playing Without the Tactical Pack

Playing without the tactical pack can be challenging, but there are alternative methods for carrying supplies. One option is to use a vest or belt to carry extra ammunition, medical supplies, and grenades. Vests and belts have a lower carrying capacity than the tactical pack, but they are also less bulky and provide less of a target for enemies.

Another option is to travel light and only carry essential items. This strategy can be effective in situations where the player needs to move quickly or is in a firefight. By only carrying essential items, the player can be more mobile and take cover more quickly.

Adjusting gameplay is another strategy for compensating for the lack of a tactical pack. For example, players can focus on looting more frequently to ensure they have enough supplies to survive. They can also take advantage of cover more often and avoid open spaces where they are more vulnerable.


In conclusion, dropping the tactical pack in PUBG can be a strategic move that can help players move faster and take cover more quickly. However, it should only be done after careful consideration of the player’s situation. Alternative methods for carrying supplies, such as using vests or traveling light, can be effective strategies for players who choose to play without the tactical pack. Ultimately, the decision to drop the tactical pack or play without it depends on the player’s playstyle and the situation they find themselves in. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article and considering the strategies provided, players can make informed decisions and increase their chances of survival in the game.

At, we aim to provide informative and engaging content that helps players improve their skills and enjoy the game even more. We hope that this article on how to drop the tactical pack in PUBG has been helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.