Does PUBG Have Skill-Based Matchmaking?

By | May 6, 2023


The agony of waiting for a fair match

The agony of waiting for a fair match

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, commonly known as PUBG, is a popular online multiplayer game that has taken the gaming world by storm. It is a battle royale game that pits 100 players against each other on a deserted island. The last player or team standing wins the game. One of the most frequently asked questions by PUBG players is whether the game has skill-based matchmaking. In this article, we will explore this topic in detail.

What is Skill-Based Matchmaking?

The impact of skill-based matchmaking on player performance

The impact of skill-based matchmaking on player performance

Skill-based matchmaking is a system that matches players with similar skill levels. In this system, players are ranked based on their performance in the game. The matchmaking system then matches players with others who have similar rankings. The aim of skill-based matchmaking is to provide a fair and balanced gaming experience for everyone.

Skill-based matchmaking has several advantages. It ensures that players are matched with others who have similar skill levels, which makes the game more enjoyable. It also prevents players from being matched with others who are too skilled or too inexperienced, which can result in an unfair gaming experience.

However, skill-based matchmaking also has some disadvantages. It can result in longer wait times for matches, as the system has to find players with similar skill levels. It can also be frustrating for players who are trying to improve their skills, as they may be matched with others who are at a similar level but have more experience.

PUBG’s Matchmaking System

Teamwork and strategy in a skill-based matchmaking game

Teamwork and strategy in a skill-based matchmaking game

PUBG has a matchmaking system that is designed to provide a fair and balanced gaming experience for everyone. The system matches players based on several factors, including their skill level, the region they are playing from, and their connection speed.

There are several modes available in PUBG, including Solo, Duo, and Squad. Each mode has its own matchmaking system. In Solo mode, players are matched with others who are playing alone. In Duo mode, players are matched with others who are playing in pairs. In Squad mode, players are matched with others who are playing in teams of four.

The matchmaking algorithm used in PUBG is designed to match players with others who have a similar skill level. This ensures that the game is fair and balanced for everyone. However, the matchmaking system is not perfect, and some players may still experience unfair matches. In the next section, we will explore the evidence of skill-based matchmaking in PUBG.

PUBG’s Matchmaking System

PUBG’s matchmaking system is designed to provide a fair and balanced gaming experience for everyone. The system matches players based on several factors, including their skill level, the region they are playing from, and their connection speed. This ensures that players are matched with others who have a similar skill level, which makes the game more enjoyable.

PUBG has several modes available, including Solo, Duo, and Squad. Each mode has its own matchmaking system. In Solo mode, players are matched with others who are playing alone. In Duo mode, players are matched with others who are playing in pairs. In Squad mode, players are matched with others who are playing in teams of four.

The matchmaking algorithm used in PUBG is designed to match players with others who have a similar skill level. This ensures that the game is fair and balanced for everyone. However, the matchmaking system is not perfect, and some players may still experience unfair matches.

Evidence of Skill-Based Matchmaking in PUBG

Many PUBG players have reported that they have experienced skill-based matchmaking in the game. Some players have reported that they are consistently matched with players who have a similar skill level, which suggests that the matchmaking system is working as intended.

Player statistics also suggest that skill-based matchmaking is present in PUBG. Players who have a higher rank tend to be matched with other players who have a similar rank. This suggests that the matchmaking system is taking into account the skill level of players when matching them with others.

When compared to other games that have skill-based matchmaking, such as Fortnite and Apex Legends, PUBG’s matchmaking system appears to be less strict. However, this does not mean that skill-based matchmaking is not present in PUBG. The evidence suggests that the matchmaking system in PUBG is designed to provide a fair and balanced gaming experience for everyone, which includes matching players with similar skill levels.

In conclusion, while there is no official confirmation that PUBG has skill-based matchmaking, the evidence suggests that the matchmaking system is designed to match players with others who have a similar skill level. This ensures that the game is fair and balanced for everyone.

Arguments Against Skill-Based Matchmaking in PUBG

Despite the advantages of skill-based matchmaking, there are also criticisms of the system. Some players argue that skill-based matchmaking takes away the randomness and excitement of the game. They believe that the game should be about testing their skills against a variety of opponents, even if they are not evenly matched.

Another argument against skill-based matchmaking is that it can result in longer wait times for matches. The matchmaking system has to find players with similar skill levels, which can take longer than matching players randomly. This can be frustrating for players who want to jump into a game quickly.

Some players also argue for alternative matchmaking systems. One such system is a hybrid system that combines both skill-based and randomized matchmaking. This system would match players based on their skill level but would also include a random element to keep the game exciting and unpredictable.

Finally, some players compare PUBG’s matchmaking system to other battle royale games. For example, Fortnite has a skill-based matchmaking system that is based on the player’s performance in recent matches. Apex Legends, on the other hand, has a matchmaking system that prioritizes matching players with others who have a similar skill level.


In conclusion, PUBG does have a skill-based matchmaking system that is designed to provide a fair and balanced gaming experience for everyone. The system matches players based on their skill level, region, and connection speed.

While skill-based matchmaking has its advantages, there are also criticisms of the system. Some players argue that it takes away the randomness and excitement of the game, while others believe that it can result in longer wait times for matches. Some players also argue for alternative matchmaking systems, such as a hybrid system that combines skill-based and randomized matchmaking.

The implications for players and developers are significant. Players want a fair and balanced gaming experience that is also exciting and unpredictable. Developers need to balance the needs of both casual and competitive players to ensure the longevity of the game.

The future of skill-based matchmaking in PUBG is uncertain. While the system has its advantages, it also has its drawbacks. Developers will need to continue to listen to player feedback and make adjustments to the system to ensure that it meets the needs of everyone who plays the game. At, we will keep you updated on any changes to the matchmaking system in PUBG.