Does PUBG Have Proximity Chat? An In-Depth Look

By | April 24, 2023

PUBG is a massively popular battle royale game that requires teamwork and coordination to succeed. One feature that can aid in teamwork is proximity chat, which allows players to communicate with others who are near them. So, does PUBG have proximity chat?

In this blog post, pubgfact will explore the concept of proximity chat, whether or not PUBG has proximity chat, and how to use it effectively in different game modes.

What is Proximity Chat?

Proximity chat is a capability present in select online games that enables players to converse with others in close proximity. When a player communicates via their microphone, only other players within a particular range can hear them.

Proximity chat has been implemented in various games, such as survival games like Rust, DayZ, and ARK: Survival Evolved. In these games, players can communicate with others within a certain radius by speaking through their microphone. In other games, proximity chat may be limited to certain areas or game modes, such as voice chat in the proximity of a flag in a capture-the-flag game.

One advantage of proximity chat is that it can enhance teamwork by allowing players to quickly communicate with each other. It can also create a more immersive gaming experience, as players can hear the voices of others around them. However, proximity chat can also be a disadvantage if not used properly. For example, if an opponent hears a player’s voice, they may be able to locate and eliminate them more easily.

Does PUBG Have Proximity Chat?

Does PUBG Have Proximity Chat?

Yes, PUBG does have proximity chat. It allows players to communicate with others who are within a certain radius. In this section, we will discuss how to enable proximity chat in PUBG and provide instructions on how to use it effectively.

To enable proximity chat in PUBG, players must navigate to the settings menu and select the ‘Audio’ tab. Under the ‘Voice’ section, players can select the ‘Proximity’ option to enable proximity chat. Players can also adjust the volume of proximity chat to ensure that it is audible but not too loud.

Once proximity chat is enabled, players can communicate with others who are near them by speaking into their microphone. The sound will only be perceptible to other players within a specific distance, rendering it a productive approach to communicate with nearby teammates.

To use proximity chat effectively in PUBG, players should be aware of the proximity radius and adjust their positioning accordingly. If a player wants to communicate with a teammate who is further away, they may need to move closer to them or use external voice chat apps. It is also important to use proximity chat strategically, as opponents may be able to hear and locate the player if they are not careful.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Proximity Chat

Advantages of Proximity Chat in PUBG

  1. Enhances communication: Proximity chat allows players to quickly communicate with nearby teammates, which can improve coordination and increase the chances of winning.
  2. Increases immersion: Hearing the voices of other players around you can create a more immersive gaming experience, making it feel like you are really in the game world.
  3. Adds realism: Proximity chat imparts a realistic element to the game since players can only communicate with others in close proximity, akin to real-life scenarios.
  4. Saves time: Using proximity chat can be faster and more convenient than typing in-game chat or using external voice chat apps.

Disadvantages of Proximity Chat in PUBG

  1. Can reveal your location: If an opponent hears a player’s voice, they may be able to locate and eliminate them more easily.
  2. Can be distracting: If too many players are talking at once, proximity chat can be distracting and make it difficult to focus on the game.
  3. Can be abused: Players may use proximity chat to taunt or harass others, which can create a negative gaming experience.

Advanced Techniques for Using Proximity Chat in PUBG

Advanced Techniques for Using Proximity Chat in PUBG

Advanced Techniques for Using Proximity Chat in PUBG

One advanced technique for using proximity chat in PUBG is to use it to deceive opponents. As an instance, a player may act amicably towards their opponent, only to attack them when they lower their guard. This technique can be highly efficient in solo games where players have to depend on their intellect to stay alive.

Another advanced technique is to use proximity chat to coordinate with teammates in a stealthy manner. By speaking in hushed tones, players can communicate with each other without alerting nearby opponents. This can be particularly useful in game modes where stealth and subtlety are important, such as in the final circles of a match.

Using Proximity Chat Effectively in Different Game Modes

Proximity chat can be used effectively in different game modes, but the techniques used may differ. In team-based game modes like squads, players can use proximity chat to coordinate quickly and efficiently, but they must be careful not to give away their position to opponents. In solo games, players can use proximity chat to deceive opponents or to coordinate with other solo players without alerting nearby opponents.

Tips for Communicating Effectively with Teammates and Opponents

When using proximity chat in PUBG, it is important to communicate effectively with both teammates and opponents. To communicate effectively with teammates, players should use clear and concise language and avoid using profanity or abusive language. They should also be aware of their surroundings and adjust their volume accordingly to avoid giving away their position.

Players must exercise caution when interacting with opponents and ensure not to divulge excessive information about themselves or their team. They should also refrain from using profanity or offensive language since this can create an unfavorable gaming environment for all participants.


Proximity chat is a valuable tool for enhancing teamwork and communication in PUBG. By enabling it and using it effectively, players can quickly communicate with each other and gain an advantage over their opponents. However, it is important to use proximity chat carefully, as it can also be a disadvantage if not used properly. With practice, proximity chat can become a valuable asset in a player’s arsenal.

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