Did Fortnite Copy PUBG? A Look at the Controversy

By | May 6, 2023


PUBG's realistic graphics and gameplay provide a different experience than Fortnite

PUBG’s realistic graphics and gameplay provide a different experience than Fortnite

The rivalry between Fortnite and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) has been well documented since Fortnite’s release in 2017. Both games have captured the attention of millions of gamers worldwide, but the question remains: did Fortnite copy PUBG?

PUBG Corporation, the developer of PUBG, filed a lawsuit against Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, in 2018, claiming that Fortnite copied many of PUBG’s gameplay mechanics. The lawsuit sparked a controversy that has continued to divide the gaming community.

In this article, we will explore the similarities and differences between Fortnite and PUBG, examine the accusations of copying, and discuss the legal implications of the controversy.

Similarities between Fortnite and PUBG

Both Fortnite and PUBG have similar weapons, but with slight differences

Both Fortnite and PUBG have similar weapons, but with slight differences

Fortnite and PUBG share many similarities in terms of gameplay mechanics, game modes, and maps. Both games are battle royale games that drop players onto an island with the objective of being the last one standing.

Comparison of Gameplay Mechanics

Both games feature a shrinking safe zone that forces players to move closer together as the game progresses. Players must scavenge for weapons, ammunition, and other resources to increase their chances of survival. They can also find vehicles to move quickly around the map.

Comparison of Game Modes

Fortnite and PUBG offer multiple game modes to keep players engaged. Both games have a solo mode, where players compete against each other individually. They also have a duo mode, where players team up with one other player, and a squad mode, where players team up with three other players.

Comparison of Maps

Both games have multiple maps that offer different types of terrain and environments. PUBG has several maps, including Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, and Vikendi. Fortnite originally had only one map, but it has since added several more, including the popular location of Tilted Towers.

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Differences between Fortnite and PUBG

Fortnite's 'Boogie Bomb' is a unique item not found in PUBG

Fortnite’s ‘Boogie Bomb’ is a unique item not found in PUBG

While Fortnite and PUBG have many similarities, they also have significant differences in terms of art style and graphics, building mechanics, and vehicle usage.

Art Style and Graphics

Fortnite has a unique, cartoonish art style that sets it apart from PUBG’s more realistic graphics. The bright colors and exaggerated features of Fortnite’s characters and environments appeal to a younger audience, while PUBG’s more serious tone is geared towards a more mature audience.

Building Mechanics in Fortnite

One of the significant differences between Fortnite and PUBG is the building mechanics in Fortnite. Players can gather resources from the environment and create structures to protect themselves or reach higher ground. This feature adds a new layer of strategy to the game, allowing players to create their fortresses and defenses.

Vehicle Usage in PUBG

PUBG’s vehicle usage is more realistic than Fortnite’s. Vehicles in PUBG have limited fuel, can be damaged, and can be destroyed, which adds a layer of realism to the game. In Fortnite, vehicles are more plentiful and can be used for more than just transportation, such as ramming into opponents or using them as a launchpad.

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Differences between Fortnite and PUBG

Art Style and Graphics

The art style and graphics of Fortnite and PUBG are vastly different. Fortnite’s art style is bright and colorful, with cartoonish graphics that appeal to younger audiences. On the other hand, PUBG’s graphics are more realistic, with a darker and grittier tone that is geared towards a more mature audience.

Building Mechanics in Fortnite

One of the most significant differences between Fortnite and PUBG is the building mechanics in Fortnite. Fortnite allows players to gather resources from the environment and create structures to protect themselves or reach higher ground. This feature adds a new layer of strategy to the game, allowing players to create their fortresses and defenses. PUBG, on the other hand, does not have any building mechanics, and players must rely on natural cover to protect themselves.

Vehicle Usage in PUBG

Vehicle usage in PUBG is more realistic than in Fortnite. Vehicles in PUBG have limited fuel, can be damaged, and can be destroyed, which adds a layer of realism to the game. In Fortnite, vehicles are more plentiful and can be used for more than just transportation, such as ramming into opponents or using them as a launchpad.

Accusations of Copying

The controversy between Fortnite and PUBG began when PUBG Corporation filed a lawsuit against Epic Games in 2018. PUBG Corp. accused Epic Games of copying many of PUBG’s gameplay mechanics, such as the shrinking safe zone and scavenging for resources. However, Epic Games denied these allegations, stating that they had created their game mechanics independently.

Evidence and Arguments from Both Sides

PUBG Corp. claimed that Epic Games had copied many of PUBG’s gameplay mechanics, including the shrinking safe zone, scavenging for resources, and the use of vehicles. They argued that Fortnite’s gameplay mechanics were so similar to PUBG’s that it constituted copyright infringement.

Epic Games, on the other hand, argued that they had created their gameplay mechanics independently and that they were not copying PUBG. They claimed that many of the gameplay mechanics used in Fortnite were common in other battle royale games and were not unique to PUBG.

Lawsuits Filed by PUBG Corp. Against Epic Games

In 2018, PUBG Corp. filed a lawsuit against Epic Games, claiming that Fortnite had copied many of PUBG’s gameplay mechanics. However, the case was dismissed by a South Korean court in 2019, stating that there was not enough evidence to prove that Fortnite had copied PUBG. The case was also settled in the United States, with both parties agreeing to drop their lawsuits against each other.

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Legal Implications and Verdicts

The lawsuit filed by PUBG Corporation against Epic Games in 2018 alleged that Fortnite copied several of PUBG’s gameplay mechanics, including the shrinking safe zone, scavenging for resources, and the concept of being the last one standing. Epic Games denied these allegations and argued that these concepts were not unique to PUBG.

The legal proceedings between PUBG Corporation and Epic Games are ongoing, with both parties making arguments and counter-arguments in court. The outcome of the lawsuit could have significant implications for the gaming industry as a whole.

Outcomes of the Lawsuits

As of the writing of this article, there has been no clear verdict in the lawsuit between PUBG Corporation and Epic Games. However, there have been several outcomes of the legal proceedings that have affected both companies.

One significant outcome was the removal of PUBG from the Xbox Game Pass, a subscription service that allows players to access a library of games for a monthly fee. Microsoft, the owner of Xbox Game Pass, removed PUBG from the service to avoid any potential legal issues with Epic Games.

Another outcome of the legal proceedings was the removal of certain features from Fortnite that PUBG Corporation claimed were copied. Epic Games removed the “Battle Royale” tagline from the game’s marketing materials and changed the look of certain items in the game to avoid any legal issues.


The controversy between Fortnite and PUBG has divided the gaming community, with many fans of both games taking sides. While the lawsuit filed by PUBG Corporation against Epic Games is ongoing, it has already had significant repercussions for both companies.

In the future, game developers will need to be more careful when creating games that are similar to others in the same genre. The outcome of the lawsuit between PUBG Corporation and Epic Games could set a precedent for how similar games can be before they are considered to be copying.

In conclusion, while the question of whether Fortnite copied PUBG remains unanswered, it is clear that the controversy has had a significant impact on the gaming industry. As for Pubgfact.com, we will continue to report on the latest news and developments in the gaming world, including any updates on the lawsuit between PUBG Corporation and Epic Games.