Can You Slide in PUBG? A Step-By-Step Guide

By | May 6, 2023

PUBG is an exciting game that demands tactics and strategy from players. One crucial move that can give you a significant advantage is sliding. Sliding is a quick movement that allows you to slide on the ground while shooting or evading enemy fire. This move can help you move faster, avoid damage, and get to cover quickly.

How to Slide in PUBG

Sliding in PUBG can increase your mobility and speed on different terrains

Sliding in PUBG can increase your mobility and speed on different terrains

Sliding in PUBG is not a complicated move, but it requires practice. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to slide in PUBG:

  1. First, you need to be in the prone position. To do this, press the ‘Z’ key on your keyboard.
  2. While in the prone position, press the ‘C’ key to start sliding.
  3. You can slide in any direction while pressing the ‘C’ key.
  4. To stop sliding, release the ‘C’ key.

It is important to note that sliding in PUBG drains your stamina quickly. Therefore, you need to use it wisely to avoid getting caught out of breath during a critical moment.

To maximize the benefits of sliding, you need to practice and master the move. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Practice sliding in different terrains to get a feel for the move.
  2. Try sliding while shooting to maintain accuracy.
  3. Use sliding to evade enemy fire and get to cover quickly.

In conclusion, sliding is a useful move in PUBG that can give you an edge over your opponents. With the right practice and technique, you can use sliding to your advantage and win the game.

Sliding in PUBG has several advantages that can help you win the game. Here are some of the benefits of sliding in PUBG:

Increased Mobility and Speed

Sliding in PUBG can be beneficial in situations where cover is limited

Sliding in PUBG can be beneficial in situations where cover is limited

Sliding allows you to move faster and more efficiently. When you slide, you can cover more ground and get to your destination quickly. This move is especially useful when you need to get to cover quickly or when you need to chase down an enemy.

Sliding can also help you move around obstacles and navigate difficult terrain. With sliding, you can move around and get to places that would be difficult to reach otherwise.

Easier to Avoid Enemy Fire

Sliding in PUBG can be difficult to master, but can give you an advantage in combat

Sliding in PUBG can be difficult to master, but can give you an advantage in combat

When you slide, you make yourself a more challenging target for your opponents. Sliding makes it harder for enemies to hit you, giving you an advantage in a gunfight. Additionally, sliding can help you dodge enemy fire and avoid taking damage.

Sliding can also help you get behind cover quickly. When you slide, you can get to cover faster than if you were running or walking, reducing your exposure to enemy fire.

In the next sections, we will discuss the disadvantages of sliding and when to slide in PUBG. By understanding the pros and cons of sliding, you can use the move effectively and win the game.

The Disadvantages of Sliding in PUBG

While sliding in PUBG has several advantages, it also has some disadvantages that you need to be aware of. Here are some of the disadvantages of sliding in PUBG:

Sliding May Attract Attention from Enemies

When you slide, you create noise that can alert enemies to your presence. This noise can make you an easy target for your opponents, especially if they are nearby. Therefore, you need to be careful when using sliding, especially if you are in a dangerous area.

Sliding Can Be Difficult to Master

Sliding in PUBG requires practice and skill. It can be challenging to master, and it may take some time to get the hang of the move. If you are not careful, you may end up sliding in the wrong direction, which can be disastrous in a gunfight.

Sliding May Not Work in Certain Terrain

Sliding in PUBG may not work in all types of terrain. For example, sliding on a hill or slope may not be as effective as sliding on flat terrain. Additionally, sliding on rough or uneven ground may cause you to lose control and fall, which can be dangerous.

Therefore, you need to be aware of the terrain and the situation before using sliding in PUBG. If you are not sure, it may be better to avoid sliding altogether and use other tactics to win the game.

When to Slide in PUBG

Sliding in PUBG is a useful move that can help you win the game. However, you need to know when to use it to maximize its benefits. Here are some situations where sliding can be beneficial:

When You Need to Get to Cover Quickly

Sliding can help you get to cover quickly and avoid enemy fire. If you are in an open area and need to get to a building or a tree, sliding can help you get there faster and reduce your exposure to enemy fire.

When You Need to Chase Down an Enemy

If you need to chase down an enemy, sliding can help you catch up to them quickly. Sliding can also help you evade their fire and get closer to them, making it easier to take them down.

When You Need to Dodge Enemy Fire

Sliding can help you dodge enemy fire and avoid taking damage. If you are in a gunfight and need to avoid getting hit, sliding can help you move quickly and make yourself a more difficult target for your opponents.

In conclusion, sliding in PUBG is a useful move that can help you win the game. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of sliding and knowing when to use it, you can use the move effectively and gain an advantage over your opponents.

When to Slide in PUBG

Knowing when to slide in PUBG is crucial to using the move effectively. Here are some situations where sliding can be beneficial:

Situations where sliding can be beneficial

  1. When you need to get to cover quickly: Sliding can help you get behind cover faster and avoid enemy fire.

  2. When you need to chase down an enemy: Sliding can help you close the distance between you and an enemy quickly.

  3. When you need to navigate difficult terrain: Sliding can help you move around obstacles and get to places that would be difficult to reach otherwise.

  4. When you need to dodge enemy fire: Sliding can help you avoid taking damage and make it harder for enemies to hit you.

While sliding can be beneficial in many situations, there are also situations where sliding may not be necessary. Here are some examples:

Situations where sliding may not be necessary

  1. When you are in an open area with no cover: Sliding may not be useful when there is no cover available. In this situation, it may be better to run or crawl to avoid enemy fire.

  2. When you are in a tight space: Sliding may not be useful when you are in a tight space, such as a building or narrow alleyway. In this situation, it may be better to crawl or walk.

  3. When you are low on stamina: Sliding drains your stamina quickly, so it may not be wise to use the move when you are low on stamina. In this situation, it may be better to conserve your stamina and use other tactics to avoid enemy fire.

By understanding when to slide in PUBG, you can use the move to your advantage and increase your chances of winning the game.


Sliding in PUBG is a useful move that can give you an edge over your opponents. By moving faster, avoiding enemy fire, and getting to cover quickly, you can increase your chances of winning the game. However, sliding also has its disadvantages, such as draining your stamina quickly and attracting attention from enemies.

To use sliding effectively, you need to understand when to use the move and when to avoid it. By practicing and mastering the move, you can use sliding to your advantage and win the game.

In conclusion, sliding is an essential skill in PUBG that every player should master. By using the move effectively, you can increase your mobility, avoid enemy fire, and get to cover quickly. So, practice sliding in different terrains, use the move wisely, and dominate the game with your skills.